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AN ORDINANCE TO IMPOSE A .MONTHLY 911 CHARGE <br /> IN ~US CO~ <br /> <br /> ~E~ p~t to Chapter 62-~ Section 4, of lbo Gener~ '.Sta~les of ~o~h <br /> i~ro~ a loml govement ~s autho~ed to ~po~e a monthly 911 ch~ge to lelephone <br /> mb~cdbers whose exch~ge access l~es a~e in tho ~ea sen'cd by ~he 911 g,stem. <br /> <br /> ~FO~ BE IT O~N~D by the Board of Coun~ Co~ssloners of <br /> <br /> Section I. Definition~ <br /> <br /> ~ u~ed ~ ~ ordinance: <br /> <br /> (a) "911 S)'stem" or "911 Senqcc" me~ ~ emergen~ lelephone ~,slcm <br /> ~at pro~des lbo user of lbo pubic le]ephone ~slem the ab~ <br /> reach a pubic sgeW a~,eHng point by di~ng ~he <br /> le~ "911 System" or "911 Senate" ann includes 'E~anced 911 <br />~ Se~ce," wMch me~ ~ emergen~ telephone system lhat pro~des <br /> tho user of the pubNc telephone system s~4~ 911 sen~ce ~d, <br /> ' - . .5. ~ s. ad~tio~ d~ec~ 911 ~s to appropriate public s~eW ~veHng <br /> :.'= · ......' - J:(':~':'f ~oN~ by selective rou~g b~ed on the geo~apN~ lo~flon 5om <br /> wMch ~e ~ oH~aled ~d pro.des the ~pabfli~ for automatic <br /> umber ident~tion ~d aulomaflc lo~tion ident~mfion feazes. <br /> <br /> "- ~) ~11 Ch~ge' me~ ~ contribution lo ~ba~ Coun~ for lhe 9il <br /> ~e~co sta~-up equipment co~, subscriber <br /> non-r~rfing <br /> ~i~atfo~ m~ien~ce, ~ndce. and n~'ork cb~g~s of a <br /> supplier pro~d~g 911 s~ce. <br /> <br /> (c) ~change access hdli~" mea~ the access ~om a pmi~l~ <br /> telephone ~bsc~ber's pre~es fo the telephone ~,slem of a se~ce <br /> ~pp~er. ~change access f~dlitfes include se~ce ~pplier pro~d <br /> access lNes, PBX Im~ ~d centex ne~'ork acce~ re~slers, ~'~ <br /> de. ed by ta~s of the telephone comply ~ approved by lhe <br /> North ~rolina Ut~lies Co~ssion. ~ehange access fad~fies do <br /> not include se~ce supplier o~ed and operated telephone pay <br /> sta~on lines, or W/de ~ea Teleco~u~calion Se~ce <br /> Foref~ ~cbange (~), or inco~ng o~y lines. <br /> (d) ~b~c Safe~ Telephone Act' me~ N.C. Oener~ Slamle <br /> <br /> (e) "Se~ce Supplier' mea~ a person or enti~ who prox~des exch~ge <br /> telephone se~ce lo a telephone subsc~ber. <br /> <br /> <br />