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State of North Carolina <br /> Depn,~,~ent of Environment, HeaJth, and Natural Resources <br /> DMslon of Land Resources <br /> <br />James G. N~tin, Gowmor CJ~rt~s H. Gardner <br />William W. Cobey, Jr., Seoetmy Director <br /> <br /> ~'~.~rch 4~ 1991 <br /> <br /> Jif. James L~ntz, Cha~ <br /> Cabarrus County Bo~d of Cc~missioners <br /> P.O. Box ?07 <br /> Concord, North Carolina 28025 <br /> <br /> RE: Al~roval to Construct <br /> Coc%tle Creek D~n <br /> Cabarrus C~ant y <br /> <br /> This is in response to your su~mlssions on Octol~_r 22, 1987; November 13, <br /> 1987; Marc~ 22, 1988; August 11, 1988; November 21 end 23, 1988; April 13 and <br /> 17! 1989; At~3ust 17, 1990; A~)v~nber 2, 1990 and March 4, 1991 of plans and <br /> design datm for the subject proposed dam in Cabarrus County on Coddle Creek in <br /> c~pliance with the Dam Safety Law of 1967. These plans have neen reviewed by <br /> concerned State agencies and their cc~ments have been received. These plans <br /> have been prep=red ~nder the su_c~rvision of Mr. L.E. Baker, P.E. with <br /> Infrastructure. <br /> <br /> ~nls letter constitutes approval of the proposal to cons~ruc~ the subject <br /> dam according to the plans, specifications and data -m~itted to this Division <br /> on August 17, 1990 and Nov~nb~_r 2, 1990 wi~h the following stipulations: <br /> <br /> 1. A min~m~a flow of 6.0 cfs mst be released frcm the dam site at all <br /> ti~es, even during cons%ruction. The release should be made frcm an <br /> appzCPriate reservoir level to ~nenln do~stream w~ter quality, <br /> especially with. zegaxd to dissolved c~ygen content. <br /> <br /> Also, a staff gage should be installed in~nediately d~x~nstrema frc~ <br /> the dam ~nd a gage height - discharge relation established to assist <br /> the_ dam o~e~cator in monitoring and meeting the 6.0 cfs mingm~ <br /> release requir~nent. <br /> <br /> 2. P~oject construction shall be supervised by Mr. L.E. Baker, P.E. <br /> <br /> P.O. Bo~ 27687 ~' RaJelsh. N.C. 27611-7687 · Telephone (919) 733-3833 <br /> <br /> <br />