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Mr. Lentz <br />~rch 4, 1991 <br />Page 2 <br /> <br /> 3. During co~.~truction the Division of Land P~sources may require such <br /> progress reports as is deemed necessary. <br /> <br /> 4. Upon c(mp. letion of the project, Mr. L.E. Baker, P.E. shall inspect <br /> the ccmpleted work and upon finding (1) that the %Drk has been done <br /> as specified, (2) that the d~n is safe, ~.nd (3) that ~ fl~ <br /> requirenents have been satisfied, shall file with the Division of <br /> Land Resources "As-Built" draw/ngs and a certificate stating that ~ <br /> work has been completed Ln accordance with approved pla~m, <br /> specifications' and other req3,~r~ments. <br /> <br /> 5. If site conditions indicate that only vertical piles and no bettered <br /> piles will be necessary for anchorage of the principal spillway, <br /> then the "As-Built" drawings shall reflect that no battered piles <br /> were used. <br /> <br /> 6. The joint details on drawings S-1 and S-6 shall be revised in <br /> accordance with the information sukmitted on N°v~ber 2, 1990. ~ne <br /> revised joint details shall be reflected on the "As-Built" dra%~ngs. <br /> <br /> -?. Fill material placed adjacent to structures shall be placed in lifts <br /> <br /> 8. An operation ~anual, maintenance schedule and e~ergency action plan <br /> ~%11 be required for this dam. ~1~_se items may be suhnitted with the <br /> "As-Built" dra~ngs and engineer's certification and %~[11 be_ <br /> prerequisite to issuance of an approval to impound. <br /> <br /> The operation manual should address op~_ration of the concrete gravity <br /> spillway gates during stonn events ar~ of the l~w level gates to be <br /> used for ~d3~Jm~ flcw releases. <br /> <br /> The ~/nt~nance schedule should outline routine maintenance <br /> procedures to be perfozmed and frequency thereof for ~ainta/ning the <br /> dam in safe cond/tion, including, but not limited to, inspections <br /> a <br /> of the ~J~u~-nt and all appurtenances; piez(x~ter and other <br /> instr~r~ntation monitoring schedule; mo~ng frequency of the <br /> embankn~nt an~ vegetated ~_rgency spillway; etc. <br /> <br /> The emergency action plan should include names, addresses ~.nd phone <br /> numbers of personnel responsible for the dam, and of local and state <br /> gov~ officials who may be needed during a dam safety ~mexgency; <br /> flood imm~ation maps with anti¢ipat_~ floodwave travel times to <br /> selected locations; an~ procedures to be taken by the c~m~r should a <br /> dm~ safety ~_rgency occur. <br /> <br /> <br />