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lO. The contzact should be e.~cuted ~nd mbmitted in ~pU~ to ~ S~eta~ of the L~al Government ~mm~on, 3~ <br /> ~or~ 5al~bu~ 5ff~ RMelgh, No~h Carolina 27~-1~. <br /> <br />11. U~n approve, ~e od~n~ ~n~act will ~ re~ to ~e Governmental Unit, n ~py will ~ fo~'ard~ to t~ Auditor, <br /> ~d a ~py ret~n~ by ~e S~ret~ of ~e L~I Government Comm~on. The aunt should not be st~rt~ ~re <br /> ~n~act ~ approve. <br /> <br />12. T~ ~ tra~ contemptat~ on un~i~ed ~tnton b~ng trudged. An~ llmlta~s or re~l~ in ~t ~M~ ~ould <br /> le~ to a quati~ffon t~ld be ~lly ~t~ned in ~ att~mmf to t~ ~fr~t. Con~ae~ ~ ~ch limita~o~ <br /> <br />13. If ~ appmv~ ~n~ n~ to ~ vnd~ o~ chugS, ~ ~ange m~t ~ tMu~ to ~ng, ~ by <br /> ~d ~bmltt~ ~ the S~R~ of ~a ~ Gove~t ~mm~on ~r approval. No ~nn~ ~aH ~ ~Hve unl~ <br /> appmv~ bY ~e ~ ~ ~e ~ Govemm~t ~mm~lon, ~e Gove~ng Board, and the Au~tor. <br /> <br />14. A ~a~ ~n~ sh0uld not ~ made ~r ~ ~v~Ion to ~ a~ or r~R to ~ ~bmlt~. ~a ~e of ~ aunt <br /> ~ ~e fm ~r ~e aunt should ~ ~ly ~a~. 5tat~ ~ include ~y ~t the Auditor may incur from worA <br /> or p~ ~ or ~y o~ qua~ ~ranee ~r~ by ~lrd p~ (f~d ~d S~ ngen~ or <br /> org~a~o~). <br /> <br />15. T~ ~pl~ (one ropy ~r ~I~ not ha~ng a ~n~e aunt) of ~e ~R of audit ~d any °~h~ ~iRen ~ bY ~e Audi~r <br /> ~nH ~ fll~ wi~ ~e S~ o~ ~e ~ ~emment Common when (or prior to) mbmi~ng the lm~i~ ~r <br /> ~i~ ~d~ n0 ln~ t~n ~ur mon~ dt~ ~e cl~ of ~ ~ y~ {~r iBc~ )~ ending June 30 ~ ~d <br /> ~ Octo~r 31). The r~o~ of audit, ~ ~il~ w/th the Sm~ oi ~e ~1 Gov~ment ~mm~ion, ~m~ · maR~ <br /> of public ~ ~r i~on and r~lew In ~ o~ of ~e ~t~ by ~y Intm~t~ pa~. ~ r~ <br /> In ~e p~p~n~on of OffiSal Statemen~ ~r debt offe~ ~ well ~ by mu~dp~ ~nd ~Sng ~. <br /> <br /> SEE ATTACHED EEGAG~E~ LETTER <br /> <br />17. ~e~v~ ~e Au~r ~ ~ ~gagement letter with ~e ~ien~ It~ 16 should be ~mplet~ by ~fetenSng ~ enga~ <br /> m~t I~t~ and at.chang a ~py of the engagem~t let~ to ~e ~n~e~ ~ lnm~rate the ~gagem~t <br /> ~n~aet. In c~ of m~iet ~,~n ~e te~s of ~e ~gng~ent leRer ~d ~e t~ of thB mnknct, ~e ~ of th~ <br /> <br />18. A Gov~ment~ Unit not having a ~ingle aunt on f~l and S~te ~n~ would I~ Item 7 in It~ 2~ of <br /> ~ ~ng a delet~ pro~lon. An ~lanaHon m~t ~ ~V~ tn I~m 21 ~r ~y G~m~tal U~t not ~i~ng a rede' -' <br /> audR on f~ and S~te hn~ (e.g., · ~ngle nu~t h no~ ~ul~ ~d~ ~e F~nl ~d S~ Single Audit <br /> h no~ ~ng ~rm~). <br /> <br />19. If ~ aunt ~gag~t h mbj~t to ~e standar~ for audit ~ defln~ in t~ C~emm~t Audi~ng S~dar~ B~ by <br /> ~ Comp~ll~ Genial of ~e Unit~ Sta~. ~ ~e Au~tor w~an~ ~ a~pfing ~ en~t that hd~e ~11 <br /> m~ the r~ui~m~ for ~ ~t~nd qu~ ~ntml r~i~ ~ in ~e Cov~m~t Auditing Stnnd~. <br /> ~y w~tten ~mmunl~o~ that am n r~lt of an ~t~al qu~ ~n~l re~5~ will ~ made ivailable <br /> <br /> There ~ no oth~ a~en~ ~'~ ~e parfl~ h~eto ~d no o~ a~en~ tela~ve hereto ~at shah ~ e~ble <br /> ~1~ ~t~ed in~ In ~ee ~ ~e p~ure ~t out ~n and app~ by ~e S~et~ o~ ~e <br /> <br /> pQ~TER & C0~t P.A. CERTIFIED PUBLIC <br /> ACCO~T~TS ~ <br /> By H. ~. GLOVER, P~SID~ By <br /> ~1 Sta~ or A~de 31, Pa~ 3, Chapter 115C of ~1A~ or by ~e ~h~l Budg~ ~ ~1 ~n~ A~. <br /> <br /> <br />