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III!i llllllll <br /> <br /> I A~ril H, ]991 <br /> I ~,! F.~ORAN DrJb, t <br /> <br /> I TO: Coban'us County Board of Comm~<<ioocrs <br /> Cabarn]s County Department Hea~ <br /> <br /> I FRO~I: Colmly OrgaulZalion Commiltco <br /> SUBJECT: Orga-~-~ional Final Report <br /> <br /> Duriog its January 21, 1991 mcellng' Ibc Board of Commissioocrs cslablishcd a commltlcc to study thc <br /> organizational structure of Courtly governmco! and des'clop allernaliw: says of slrucluring County §o¥crnmcnt <br /> I for the Board to consider, if, ia fact, the Board decided organizational changes Were necessary. This v,~s an <br /> extremely difficult task for the Committee-. Personal biases and desires had to be removed from the procoss so <br /> County goverm~aeut as. whole could be fairly s~udied. Commk:e¢ members also had to cop~ with increased <br /> lenslons i'rom peers ~ questions about %'hat' we were doing were unable to be addressed. Finally, each <br /> I committee membe~ had to defer to thc gxoup if u~animi~ coul~l ~ot be reached. <br /> The Commilte~ discussed a multitude of ways County §Ovcrnmcnt could bc orl~ani~cd. The <br /> <br /> I organlzatioual slructurcs considered included a variety of consolldalloes and mergers and each structure had both <br /> pros and cons. The Commi,ee made no recommendations, but rather, presented a range of ideas [or the Board <br /> of Commissioners to consider. This initial rcpe~ ~ reviewed by tho Board on March l?, 1990. Duriag this <br /> revlew~ th~ Board esta~lisbed cortala department mergers and further defined the Commilme's charge Ihrough <br /> I a reques~ to az~lyz~ two models ia greater delaiL Afler Weighing the prOS and coos of each structure, the <br /> Committee believes that the Iwo models praseated i~ this r~porl are the be~t of all models con.~idcred. Based <br /> on our conversations wilh depanmenl heads, the Committee believes an orgaulzatian~l structure with an <br /> Axsistant County l~tauager would best meet the needs of each depactmcnt, the Courtly lslanager and thc Board <br /> I of Commlssioucrs. <br /> Attached you will find our ~'eporL ~t is divided iato r¢,,c scctiaos: proco.~ major <br /> coosolJd~tions/mcrgcrs~ mode/.% and proposed job dcscril~ion for un Assistant CDunly ]vlanagcr. ~:']eilse review <br /> Ithis information carefully, and be prepared lo disco~ with thc Board of Commissiancrs during their April <br /> 1~9! meeting, any couccrOS y0~ have about this rcporL C~t~a Eados will caII you Monday morning, April <br /> to se.t a ti, mc for you to talk %~ith thc Commi.~.iooers, if yo~l so desire. <br />I <br /> CLE/t~ <br /> <br /> I Atlachments <br /> <br />I <br />! <br />I P.O. Box 707 · Concoi'd, NC 28026.0707 ', (70~) 788.8100 · CIs~rl~,lle 375-0492 <br />· M-I <br /> <br /> <br />