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CONSOLIDATIONS/MERGERS <br /> <br /> During thc Board of Commi.msionc~'s' rc','icw of thc initial Orl~auizatlona] Rcporl, sevcral <br />consolidations/mcrllcrs o[ dcparlmcnts appcarcd to make functional .~nsc. consulldatlons/mcr§crs have <br /> in¢orporatcd into both modcls for further rcvlcw and considcration by dcpartmcut hcads and Board <br />members. Thc consolidations/mergers arc as follows: <br /> <br /> 1) Thc Iuspccilon's Dcparlmeut would bccomc a divis/on of thc Planning'and Zoning Department. <br /> In addition, thc honso numbcring would move from thc COunty Assessor's Ofi3cc to the Planning <br /> and ~oning DeparlmcnL <br /> <br /> 2) Thc Service Gm'aEc wou{d bccome a division of the Ocncral Serv/ccs Dcpartmcnt. <br /> <br /> 3) The Library would become a division of thc Pal' 'ks and R¢crealiou Deparimcnt. <br /> <br /> 4) Tho Tax Collector's Off]c~ would bc renamed thc Rcvcnuc Ofi]ce and mvould bccomc a d/vis{on of <br /> thc F'mance Oil]ce. <br /> <br /> S) Thc Erect§choy Mana§cmcut/Firc Marshall Office would b~comc a division of thc Sbu. ill'Ps Ollicc. <br /> <br /> 6) Thc priniin§ functions from Ocneral Scrvices and the mlcroEraphi~ funciiou from thc Rcglstcr of <br /> Dccds Offices would bc mo,ed lo the M1S Dcpartmcnl. <br /> <br /> <br />