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(a) Authorization. The Cabarrus County Board of Health is <br />i authorized Under the provisions of Article 11 Chapter 130A-39 of the <br />~!/· i General Statutes o~ North Carolina to adopt appropriate rules and <br />: resulationa for the protection of the public health. <br /> <br /> I (b) Purpose.. Consistent vi£h responsibility to protect and <br /> promote thc public health, it is declared to be the policy of the <br /> Cabsrrus Coun£y ~oard of Health to require that the location, <br /> · construction, repair and abandonment of water supply Yells conform <br /> I such reasonable standards and requirements as may be necessary to <br /> protect the public health and groundwater resources. <br /> (c) Scope, Ho person shall construct, repair~ or abandon, or <br /> I cause to ba constructed, repaired or abandoned any yell contrary to the <br /> provisions oi ~heae regulations and standards. Previously adopted <br /> procedures and requirements of the Cabarrus County Health Department are <br /> superseded by the regulations and standards. <br /> I (d) Con£1ici ~ith Other Lays and Regulations. The provisions <br /> of any f~derel, state or ~uniclpal la~ or regulation establishing <br /> standards a~fordlng greater protection to the public welfare, ~afety, <br /> I health and the groundwater resources shall prevail ~ithin the <br /> Jurisdiction of such s~ency or municipality over standards established <br /> by these ralulationa. <br /> <br /> i (e) Yenaltiea. any person who ~illfully violates any <br /> provision of these regulations! or any order issued pursuant thereto, <br /> shall be guilty of a misdemeanor punishable by a unll~ited fine or <br /> imprisonment no£ to exceed rye years (2 yrs) pursuant, as provided by <br /> I G.S. 110A-25. The health direc£or may also institute an action in the <br /> Cabarrus County superior court for injunctive relief pursuant £o <br /> <br /> (f) Inspection. Before bein~ used to supply water for human <br /> conau~ption, all o¢~ly constructed yells shall be inspected by the <br /> health dlr~ctor and found to comply ~lth provisions of these <br /> re~ulationso The ~ealth director shall ~ake chase inspections as soon <br /> as practicable after he receives notice that the installation has been <br /> made. The Yell driller or contractor shall notify the health director <br /> in adva~ce ~hen he plans to start drilllo~, operations on a specific <br /> I site. He shall also notify thc health director in advance ~hen he plans <br /> to ~rout the Yell and Yheu the ~ell ~ater supply system has been <br /> completed and chlorina~ed. Any repairs co a ~ell which necessitate <br /> br~aklug the well's seal, shall be inspected by the health director <br /> I before use. The h~alzh director shall ~ake an inspection a~ soon as <br /> practicable after ha receives notice that a repair has been made. <br /> Emergency repairs chat are ~ade outside normal working <br /> I hours of the health direccor~ i.e.~ nishts~ weekenda~ and holidays~ <br /> shall be inspected on the next regular vorking day of the Health <br /> Department or as soon as practicable thereafter. <br /> (g) Appeals. Any person aggrieved by any action of the <br /> i health department representative vith regard to this re~nlation shall <br /> first confer vith the local health director vho nay affirms or reverse <br /> the original decision of the representative. If the person is <br /> Idissatisfied vith the health director's decision~ he nay appeal to the <br /> ~oard of Health in accordance with G.S. <br /> <br />1 <br /> <br /> <br />