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Section II b£FI~ITIONS <br /> (&) Abandoned Well means a well whose uae or construction has <br />been discontinued. <br /> (1) TemPorarily abandoned well means any usable well <br /> whose use has been temporarily discontinued because <br /> of well or pump maintenance problems and any newly <br /> conscr~Cted well not yet put into serVice. <br /> (2) Permanently abandoned Well means any well removed <br /> . . from or not yet put into serVice; or whose use ia <br /> impracticable because of faulty construction, <br /> improper location, unacceptable water quality, <br /> insufficient yield, unserviceable casing and screen; <br /> been removed from service. <br /> or <br /> which <br /> has <br /> (b) Access port means an opening in the well casing or well <br />head installed for the primary purpose of determining the water level in <br /> <br /> (c) Adjacent Water System means two or more water systems <br />the <br /> well. <br /> <br />that are adjacent and are owned or operated by the same supplier of <br />water and tha~ together sez~e 15 or more service connections or 25 or <br />more parsons daily at least 60 days out of thc year. <br /> (d) A~nt means any person who by mutual and legal agreement <br />with well o~ner has authority to act on bis behalf in executing <br />applic~ciona for permits. The agent may be either general agent or a <br />llmlted agent to carry out one or more specific acts. <br />(e) Aquifer means a geological formation, group of <br />formations, or parc of a formation that will yield usable quantities of <br /> <br /> (f) Board of Health means the Cabarrus County Board of Health <br />or its official representative. <br /> (g) Com~unity Water Supply means a public water system which <br />serves at least 15 service connections or regularly serVes st least 25 <br />year-round residents. <br /> (h) Consolidated Rock means rock that is firn and coherent, <br />solidified or cemen£eg and that has not been decomposed by weathering. <br /> <br /> (l) Well Construction includes all acts necessary to <br />construct amy in~ended use, including <br /> for <br /> location <br />excavation of the well, placement of casings, grouting, screens, <br />placeme~t of p~u~p and motor piping and seals and fittings development <br /> <br /> (J) Contamination means the presence of any foreign substance <br />(organic, inorganic, radiological, or biological) in water ~hich tends <br />to degradm its quality ao aa to constitute a hazard or impair tha. <br /> <br /> (k) Domestic Use means use of water for drinking, bathing, or <br />culinary purposes. <br /> (1) Grout shall mean and include the following: <br /> (1) Neat cement ~rout means a ~ixtura of not more that <br /> six gallons of clear water to one 95 pound bag of <br /> portlaud cement. Up to five percent, by weight, or <br /> bentonite clay may be used to improve flow and <br /> reduce shrinkage. <br /> <br /> <br />