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Page 4 <br /> Mr. Ruffin <br /> April 3, 1991 <br /> <br /> C. Specific Reauests <br /> <br /> Please nominate two (2) individuals to fill the terms of July 1, 1991 - <br /> 'June 30, 1993. Nominations to fill the categories of Locsl Education <br /> Agency and Private Sector are requested. Ms. Dry eligible <br /> is <br /> for <br /> reappointment as the Private Sector representative. Mr. Overcash's <br /> position should be filled by a local education agency (school system) <br /> the attendance record above. A list of <br /> representative. <br /> Please <br /> note <br /> nominees and appointments must be submitted 1o David Ho,ars at <br /> Centralina by 7/1/91. <br /> <br /> IV. Region F Emergency Medical Services Advisory Council <br /> <br /> A. Current Membership <br /> <br /> Cabarrus County has four (4) positions on this 33 member Advisory <br /> Council appointed by the County Commission. <br /> <br /> Current <br /> Term <br /> Name Expires Attendance <br /> <br /> 1) Aubrey Atkinson 6-92 4/3 <br /> 2) Gary M. Long 6:~8~1~ 6-92 4/2 <br /> *,~, 3) Ed Phillips 6-91 4/0 <br /> *** 4) Mike Bailey 6-91 4/0 <br /> <br /> B. General Information <br /> <br /> The Committee meets no less tha. quaderly and advises the COG <br /> Board on intergovernmental EMS matters and the allocation of funds. <br /> <br /> C. Specific Requests <br /> <br /> Mr. Long, Mr. Phillips and Mr. Bailey are eligible for reappointment. <br /> <br /> Mr. Phillips has indicated his willingness to continue tO serve if reappointed. <br />*** Mike Bailey has never been appointed by Cabarrus County. Ben Mabzey serves as <br /> a member of the Advisory Council and has since 1983. Indicated he would be willing <br /> to continue to serve if reappointed. <br /> <br /> Terms of Appointment: 2 years ending June 30, 1993. <br /> <br /> <br />