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SECT]ON 3.3 ABBREVIATED PROCEDURE FOR MINOR SUBDIVISIONS <br /> <br />A. If the Pl~nnin~ and Zoni~ Depal, tment finds %hf~t the sketch pl~t mee~s <br /> lhe requh'emenls of a mJflov subdfvision as defined by ibis ordinance and <br /> that Ibel.e al'e ~1o adverse affects on lhe remainder of ~he pal.c~l oP o~ <br /> adjoining' prope~.~y, ~hen lhe subdividel, may proceed wilh lhe p~eparalion <br /> conveyance pla~ which may b~ submil~ed at snylime and given final <br /> app,-oval by lhe D~ree~or of Planning and Zoning. <br /> <br /> B. Conveyance Plat Requirements: <br /> <br /> 1. Thle Block - it shall contafn lhe words "conveyance plat" and shall <br /> ~nelude lhe lownshlp, parcel idenl~ficalion number, subdivision <br /> n~me, d~te, scale, name and ~ddre~s o~ owners and n~me and <br /> add~ess of ~e~ste~ed ]and su~veyo~, the Th]e Block shah be <br /> ]oeeted at the bottom ~i~ht hand co~ne~ of the plat. <br /> <br /> Survey - the boundary ~nes on the tract to be subdivided sha~ be <br /> de%et.mined by ~n accurate su~,vey D~epa~ed ~nd si[ned by ~ <br /> ~'e~ste~ed ]and surveyo~. The survey shall be d~,wn ~n eeeo~danee <br /> whh G.S. 47-30. <br /> <br /> 3. Location of a~ streets which adjohl the p~ope~ty. <br /> <br /> 4. Current zonin~ of the property. <br /> <br /> 5. Location and description of all existin[ structures on the p~ope~ty. <br /> <br /> 6. and identification numbers of <br /> Name, <br /> 5ddress, <br /> p~mperty owners. <br /> <br /> 7. The eotlveyance plat may not be ]~lr~e~ then 8 1/2 by <br /> ]4 inches. <br /> <br /> SECTION 3.4 PRELI511NARY PLAT REQUIREMENTS AND REVIEW PROCESS <br /> <br /> A. Cener, I - The subdivider shall submit fou~ (4) copies of the prelimillury <br /> plat for l'evJew by the P]unnin[ and Zoninc Stuff and othex, agencies. <br /> Those copies must be received by the Plan]~n~ and Zoning Department at <br /> least tweuty-one (21) d~ys prio~ to the l-e~l~rly scheduled meetin[ of the <br /> PJannin[ and Zonin~ Commission. ]f revisions a~e needed, the subdivide~ <br /> must submh ten (10) copies of the revised p~elimJnary plat to the P]ennin[ <br /> and ZonJn~ Department prior to the meetin~ of the Plannin~ and Zonin~ <br /> Commission. If there are no ~evisions needed, the subdivide~ will be <br /> t'equh.ed to sbumit ~n ~dditionml six (5) copies of the p]~t. <br /> <br /> B, Specifications fo~ Plats - Unless the average lot size in a proposed <br /> subdivision is more than three (3) ac~es, the preliminary plat shall be <br /> drawn at a scale of one hundred [~00') feet to the inch. ]~ the average <br /> lot size is more than three (3) ~e~es, the scale m~y be two hundred [~00~) <br /> feet to the ~nch. <br /> <br /> <br />