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The Planning and Zoning Commission shall act on the submitted snbdivision <br /> plat whhin ~hirty~five (35) days of lbo mealing for which ~he plu~ is <br /> scheduled for review. If necessary, modificalions of ~ho preliminaYy p]ai <br /> may be required by ~he P]anninff and Zoning Commission as eondilions of <br /> preliminary approval The modified plat will Ihen be resub~ni~ed <br /> accordinff Io lhe procedure set forth in Seclion 3.4A. <br /> <br /> If the P]anninff and Zoning Commission fails 10 act wilhin lhe nbove <br /> specified (35) days lhe subdivider may seek preliminary <br /> approval at 1he next re~larly scheduled meet{ng of <br /> Commissioners. <br /> <br />SECTION 3.5 FINAL PLAT REQUIREMENTS <br /> <br />A. Submillal - lh~ final plat shall be submitled wilhin four (~4) <br /> lw~nty <br /> months followinff approval of ~he pre~minary plal. if ~he plat or a seclion <br /> thereof is no~ submitted wilhin 1he lwen~y fuur (24) mo~]tb lime Ii,nil, or <br /> ~here is a lapse of more than ~wemy-four (24) monlhs in ~he recording of <br /> any subsequenl secl{on, 1he plal must be yesubmJlted as a preliminary <br /> plat. <br /> <br /> The final plat shall be prapared by a regislered land surveyori licensed <br /> and ve~stered lo practice in lhe Stale of Norlh Carolina. The p{ut shall <br /> coliform substantially Io the preliminary plat as i1 was approved and shall <br /> conform specifically wi~h 1ha provisions of Norlh Carolinu G.S. 47-30 as <br /> amended, and wilh the policies of Cabarrus County. <br /> <br /> Such owner or subdivider shall submit two (2) originals and seven (7) <br /> blue line prinls of lhe final plal all properly signed and executed <br /> required for recording in lhe Office of the Regislev of Deeds of Cabarrus <br /> County to the Planning and Zoning Department at least fourleen (14) duys <br /> prior ~o a re~larly scheduled meeting of ~he Cabarrus County Planning <br /> and Zoning Commission at which mime the plat shall be reviewed, and a <br /> recommendation presenled Io fha Planning and Zoning Commission from <br /> Plunning and Zouing <br /> <br /> No ~uhdivimion shall be ~anled final pla% approval uniil required <br /> JlOpl'ovoe{~nls either have been ~onstl-Ucl~d or approved plans <br /> and their ex,cation ~uranmeod by a good m~d sufficient suremy or <br /> performance bond (see Seclion 4.14) wi~h corporale surely, a copy of <br /> which shall b~ filed xvimh mhe Planning and Zo~ing Commission al Ihe lime <br /> the final plal is submilled for approval. <br /> <br />B. Specifications for Final Pla~: <br /> <br /> 1. The Tille Block - shall conlain lbo following informalion: properly <br /> destgnalion, name(s) and address(es) of owner(s), luwnship, <br /> courtly, slale, the dale(s) lhe survey was made, name and date of <br /> P{'eltminary Plat approval, scale in feel per inch in ,orals or fikmres <br /> and bar graph, and ~h~ n~me, sea] and nddr~ss of surveyor. The <br /> <br /> 11 <br /> <br /> <br />