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Sedimenlation Pollulion Control Acl~ General Stalule ~113A as amended shall be <br />complied with by the developer. The subdivide~' is requi~'ed to submit to the <br />Planning and Zoning staff evidence of a State approved erosion and sediment~llon <br />control plan befo~,e any co~struclion or grading commences, else prelimina~*y plat <br />is null and void and ~he developer will be charged wi~h violating a coumy <br />ordinance and be subject Io whalever legal action may be available. <br /> <br />SECTION 4.8 STORM~ATER DRAINAGE <br /> <br />The subdivider shall p~ovlda fo~ adequale drainage of all surface wale~. The <br />purpose of lhe slo~-mwala~ s~slem ~s lo co~.l~.ol flooding and ~emove ~unoff from <br />an a~ea fast enouKh Io avoid unaccepl~ble ~mounl~ of ponding, d~m~ge, <br />inconvenience. Modificalion~ of ~t~eams and olhe~ norm, al wale~ courses <br />prohibited unless approved b~ ~he No~h Ca~olina Depa~lmen~ of Environmental <br />Heahh and Na~m'al Resources and ~be A~ny Co~p of Englnee~s. Points of <br />il]le~ceplion of ~unoff shall be f~equent enough Io avoid heavy <br />any one syslem and to el]m~nale o~ mh~imize any flooding. Poinls of d~scha~'ge <br />shall be w]~h]n lhe silo unless o~her~¥ise approved by H~e Plato]inK and Zonh~g <br />Commission a~d adjoining owners. Th~ subdivide~. ~hall p~ovide <br />relen~onldelen~]on devices a~ may be applicable. Drainage calculnl]ons shall be <br />ba~ed on a five yea~ f~equency ~n and ~e~ideulial <br />~h~ lwo acre lots, wilh all olhe~s designed at ~ 100 yea~ ~lo~m fo~' on site <br />d~'aln~ga and a 25 yea~ s~o~m fo~ th~'ou~h ~ile dt'ainage. Mil~imum pipe size shall <br />ba 15 inches. Velocll~es ~n sierra sewe~, when flmvlng full at ave~aKe peak <br />flows, shall not be less lhan 2.0'/see. nor gveate~ than 20.0'/see. <br /> <br />SECTION .~.~ h~ATER AND EEh'ER SYSTEm, S <br /> <br />Pt'irate ~'ells and septic tanks must be approved by the Cabarl'us County l~eullh <br />Departme~lt. <br /> <br /> and sa~verage systems ~¥hich do not include individual wells and septic <br />tanks at'e subject to the follo~¥ing: <br /> <br />A. Connection to a public water and sewerage systems shall be in aecovda~tce <br /> with the policies and ve~lations of the Cabat' County ti'ale[, al~d Sewe~. <br /> Boai.d. <br /> <br />B. if a watevov sewerage system is to be installed in a subdivision in ihe <br /> County's jurisdiction, and the system is to be assumed ~nd maintained <br /> a nmnieipulity o~ lhe Counly immediatel), u~on installntion, a complete set <br /> Of eOl~Stru~liO~ ~]BBB must be for the The <br /> provided <br /> p~oposed <br /> system. <br /> plans shall be pt, epated hy a professionel engineer al~d shall ineet the <br /> utility l.equJl.ements of the munleip~lity et. county and the <br /> ]lealth SeI.vJees~ No~th Cavo]iJ~a Department of Human ]lesouvees <br /> the DivJsJo~l of Envi~nmen[81 Management of the North Cat. olJna Department <br /> et Environmental liealth and Community Development. The plans shall be <br /> approved by the County's Utilities Department DJ~ecto~ o~ the <br /> municipality's engineer. The developer's ea~nee~ shall p~vJde As-Built <br /> Plans aad locatio~ maps fo= all valves and hydrant lo~t~ons. <br /> <br /> <br />