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I <br /> State of North Carolina, County of <br />I Certified Statement <br /> <br />I ~ant to G.S. 136-44.27, the North Carolina El derly and Handicapped 'IX'ansportation Assistance <br /> Program, and pursuant to the Medicaid Transportation Assistance Program, this is to certify that the <br /> undersigned is the duly elected, and acting chairperson of the Board of County Commissioners of the <br />I County of , North Carolina, and that the lo}lowing statements are true and correct: <br /> <br /> L That the fundz r~eived pursuant to O.S. 13~-44.27 w~l b~ ~ to provide additional transpor~tion $errices for the elderly end <br /> handicapp..d, ex cc~edlng the quantity ofUips p~o~ided az ofSanuaO. 1,1989. <br /> I 2. That the fund.s receiv~ pursuant to O.S. 136-44.2 ? will n~t be u.,~d to supplant existing Federal, Stst~ or Iwcal fund~ de.ggnn k.d to <br /> pros~de eJder]y and hnndlcapp~ tr~mportation scrims in the mtmty. <br /> <br /> 3. That the £unde re~ived pursuant to G.S. 156-44~? will be usatin a manner ~nsistent with the local 'l~anspertotion De','eloprnent <br /> I Plan approved by the NC l~pertment of~an."poriation and the Bo~,d of Commissionero. <br /> 4. It is unde~tood that all ~emi annual allocation~ to the County pursus, nt to O.S. 13~M.27 subseRoent to the first allocation WIU be <br /> m nde followin~ the receipt of the pr.,gres$ report for the pr~eding rix months by the l~,'or th C~rollns Departm eat of'l~nsporia tion. <br /> I Public 'l~ansgo~t~oa & l~all DMriaa. <br /> 5. That any ~tere~t canoed on th~s~ f~nds will be expended in ac~onianc~ with G.S. 13644.27. <br /> <br /> Th,t the funds received pursuant to Secgon ~20 of Houze Bill 83 ~11 be used to provide .ddition .1 transportation services for <br /> I Medi~id eligf~le ~mg~ant ~'omen ~nd chilcken (~ges (gig), end ~11 be used to e,tis fy the m~intenance of effort r~quirement which <br /> roeans the ~unty ~tl increase tran~po~iati~n s~ces ~bove 'i~ level in ritual year 1989-90. <br /> 7. 'l~n&tthefuudsrte. eivedpursumut~,o Secfiou220ofHous~Bi]l~3~RnotsupplantexlmgugFederal. Stateorloc~lfundsd~iguai~d <br /> <br /> 8. Th at '.he funds re~ived pui'~.~snt ~ ,~ctioa 220 Id' House BR163 ~21 be used in a m ai,-ner eonsi stent '*~th the local 'l/'~nsp~latlon <br /> Divel~pment Plan approved b~ the ]'lC Department of ~'ansportafion and th~ ~ o[Commissione~. <br /> I 9. ~at the funds r~eived p~.r~uant to Seclian 220 of Hot~s~ Bill 83 ~511 not ~ ttsel{ toward the of topical equipmtn[ <br /> <br /> V, TI~rES S my hand and official seal, this day of ,19~ <br />I Attest: <br /> <br /> I 'C~.rtif)'ing Ofl]eial *Board of County Commissioners <br /> <br /> *county Man~ger/Y, aminlstrutor <br />I State of North C~xolina <br /> Count)' of. <br /> <br />I Subicribed and sworn to me this day of .. 019~ <br /> <br />I (SEAL) <br />I <br />I My commission expire.*. <br /> °Not~ tbet the slgastu~e~ on ~ ~tot~neat shoed be tho~ ~£our (41 s~p~r~t~ inRividu~ <br /> <br /> <br />