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O Cabarrus County <br /> Parks and Recreation Department <br /> <br /> P. O. Box ?07 Concord, N. C, 28026-0?0? Phone 704-788-6150 <br /> <br /> Ma,'ch 13, 19g0 <br /> Steve L. Little - Director <br /> <br /> Mr. Michael Rut f ~n0 County Manager <br /> Caberrus County <br /> PO Box 701 <br /> Concord, NC 28026-0707 <br /> <br /> Dear M~ke: <br /> <br /> In e called meeting on March 8, 1990 the Cebarrus County Parks <br /> and Recreation Advisory Comml&$ion took act,on on the following ilems: <br /> <br /> In anolhef agenda ilem, the Advisory Commission reviewed and <br /> <br /> approved Ihe FY 1990-91 Fees and Cha~ges Poi ~cy/Schedulc for the <br /> <br /> CaOarrus County Parks and Recreation Depar tment. The Advisory <br /> <br /> Commission approved In Ihelr January meeting the proposed Fraok Llske <br /> <br /> Park Bal I f ~eld Complex end Reotal Contract. I have ~nformed the <br /> Advisory Commission that the Cabarrus Board o! County Commissioner5 <br /> <br /> must approve all Cabar rus County fees and charges. The Advisory <br /> Commission has requested the Commissioners Io approve the Ballt~eld <br /> Contract/Schedule for the ef lecture data of April I, 1990. The <br /> remaLn~ng Parks and Recreal ~on Fees and Charges for the FY 1990-91 <br /> year could be ef lecl ire off July 1, 1990. Please present th~s Fees end <br /> Charges Policy to Ihe Cebarrus Board of County Commissioners In their <br /> ;reoular meellno. I have enclosed Ihe recommended policy. <br /> <br /> If you have any comments, que6tions or suggeations, please feel <br /> <br /> free to contact mo. <br /> <br /> Sincerely, <br /> <br /> Steve L. Liltle <br /> Director <br /> <br /> SLL/ds <br /> Enclosures <br /> pc Bob Meuld~n <br /> <br /> <br />