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5 <br /> 3. <br /> Special Pr°grams/Events/TOUrna <br /> <br /> to maximize revenues to fOSter ~:~°ethestructureddesign <br /> projects within the Parks a future events and/or specific <br /> Sponsorship and d - nd ReCreation Svs~,- <br /> s~__: onatlons shall be ' .... .uorporate <br /> .... Cea to the general public at minim:~4o ::at~rOv~de these <br /> ¥- FEES FOR SPECIAL FACILITIEs <br /> <br /> A, When not in Use for department sponsored and co-spOnSored activities, <br /> designated areas, facilities, and equipment may be rented by organizations <br /> and the general public in accordance to established policies and <br /> procedures. <br /> <br /> 1. Area and facility rental rates will he Computed by adding the <br /> persOnnel costs, an hourly utility cost~ and any related Cost <br /> for the facility in question. <br /> <br /> 2.depreciated Equipment rental life. rates will be based Upon its original and <br /> <br /> B. Charges for Charitable (Non-County Sponsored) Activities <br /> <br /> Charitable, non-profit, Cabarrus County Based, Community serving <br /> organizations who conduct an event on park property for the purpose <br /> of raising .funds must pay the established rental fee calculated <br /> to COVer the'cost of the County for use of said facility. <br /> <br /> C. Charges for Charitable (County Co-Sponsored) Activities: Charitable <br /> nOn-profit, COmmunity-serving organizations, co-sponsored by the Parks <br /> and Recreation Department, who conduct an event on park property for <br /> the purpose of raising funds for specific Parks and Recreation projects <br /> do no~ pay facility rental fees or percentage of gross receipts, nor <br /> are the~ required to carry insurance. <br /> <br /> D. Commercial Activities: Profit making commercia! activities will not <br /> permitted in any public facility or Upon park lands without <br /> ~irec~or of Parks and Re ri. RE~9~__approval <br /> Creati°n D~rtment. <br /> E. Reservations include existing park <br /> Any additional equipment or activities and recreation facilities Only. <br /> (i.e. Spacewalks, Dunking Booths, <br /> Not-Alt Ballons, Fireworks, etc.) must be approved by the Parks and <br /> Recreation Director at least two Weeks <br /> DireCtor may require the organization prior to reservation date. <br /> County with evidence of comprehensive or groups to provide Uabarru~ <br /> liability inSUrance sufficient <br /> to protect the County against risk, with a li~it of at least $! million <br /> dollars for each occurence, Which names the County as an additional <br /> insured, or Certificate of insurance acceptable to the Director of Parks <br /> n~ ~eCreatlon and the County Attorne Cab <br /> ~ waiver of subrogatiom a~r ..... ~' arrus County may also require <br />:v' group, o ~nu from the sponsoring Organization or <br /> <br /> <br />