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femnce.-Thus, any proposed resolutions with legislative impact will be forwarded by the Board of Direc- <br />tors (aedng as the Resolutions Committee) to an appropriate Association steering committee. The steer- <br />ing committee will be directed to review the resolution and forward it to the Legislative Goals Commitee, <br />which will be appointed this September. The Legislative Goals committee Will review the proposed <br />legislative goal as part of tlie Overall proposed legislative goals package. The entire body of voting <br />delegates will then vote on'tli~goals at the Legislative Goals Cortference on Dec. 12-13 itt the Pinehurst <br />Resort Hoiel. The county or affiliate group proposing the legislative resolution will be notified at the <br />Business SCsgion ai Annual Conference and afterward by letter which steering committee the resolution <br />has been referred to forstady. Please note that counties and affiliate groups ~ still enc_ouraged to propose <br />re~oli~tions for Annual Conference, especially those with non-legislative impact (i.e. I'eder;fl issues, suue <br />agency issues, etc.) <br /> <br />POLICY STATEMENTS <br /> <br />Enclosed in!his mailing is a copy of the Association's Policy Statements concerning Intergovernmental <br />Relations; PuBlic Eductttion, Taxation and Finance, and Human Resources. Also enclosed is a copy of <br />a proposed new Policy Statement on the Environmem, which was developed by the Environment and In- <br />tergovernm6fltal' Relations Steering Conunlttee.' The new policy statement must be approved at the An- <br />nual Conference Business Session by voting delegates. The current Policy Statements are periodically <br />reviewed and revisions are recommended by Association Steering Committees to address current issaes <br />and the subject areas. The intent of the Policy Statements is to give continuity and consisten- <br />cy in the AssOciation's policy positions. Counties and affiliate groups .'dso can propose amendments to <br />the Policy Statements for consideration at Annual Conference, but these too must be submitted to the As- <br />sociation office no later than July 13, 1989. <br /> <br />OUTSTANDING COUNTY COMMISSIONER AWARD <br />One of the Association's major awards at the Annual Conference is the Outstanding County Commis- <br />sioner Award which is presented to a county commissioner who has made special achievements and ef- <br />forts during the past year of service. These efforts should positively affect county government throughout <br />the state. To nominate a commissioner for the 1990 award, please send a nominating letter and any <br />supporting materials to: NCACC, P. O. Box 1488, Raleign, NC 27602-1488. Nomin:ttions must be <br />received by July 2, 1990. <br /> <br />DOOR PRIZE SOLICITATIONS <br /> <br />One of the Association's popular customs at Annual Conference is the door prize system offe/'ed through <br />the exhibit show, spouse events and the Banquet on S.'tturday night. As you may know, we ask counties <br />to solicit voluntary contributions from local businesses to be used as doorprizes at our Annu:d Con- <br />ference. Many counties find that local businesses and industries are willing to provide products as a <br />means of advertising and promoting their products and supporting their counties. Please note that due <br />to changes in Nortl~ Caroliua statutes, the Association will no longer host a BINGO game for <br />spouses and guests. For this reason, we have no opportunity to give away the low cost prizes that we <br />had received in the past. Thus, we must limit the number and type of door prizes to the following <br />categories: <br /> <br /> five to ten door prizes valned at $15 to $50 <br /> <br /> · two door prizes wdned itt more than $50 <br /> <br /> DELIVERY: If possible, door prizes should be delivered to the door prize room at the Grove Park <br /> Inn during the a I'ternoon of Thursday, August 9. This will assure that your prizes are eligible for the <br /> Exhibit Booth drawings. <br /> <br /> <br />