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(Continuation Programs Usly) <br /> <br />the fisca~ year.) <br /> <br />The status Of measurable objectives from July 1, t989 - December 30, t989: <br /> [. Develop a service plan for 100Z of tile children in the pro,ram. <br /> ~ervice plans were developed with all children and their families <br /> <br /> 2. Red,ce out of home placements b~ 30%. <br /> Thi~ intervention by the Mome-Based Worker seems go have helped <br /> <br /> preventing training school placemeng. 42~ of the youth are at <br /> home at the time of tern[nation from the program, with 28% in <br /> foster care or group care and the remaining 30% with other living <br /> arrangements. There were no training school co~ittment~. 71% <br /> <br /> Reduce iuvoivement in the juvenile ~ust£ce system by 60Z. <br /> None of the youth have had involvement with the juvenile justice <br /> system while involved with the program. <br /> <br /> 4. Increase school attendance by 60%. <br /> Home-Based Worker has been successful in getting youth back into <br /> school and encouraging school attendance. At the time of <br /> termination from the program 57I of youth remained enrolled in <br /> school. <br /> <br /> 5. Decrease school discipline_problems by 50% while the youth is <br /> receivin~ services in the prosram. <br /> During involvement with the program one youth was expelled and <br /> two were suspended. 42% of the youth were showing progress in <br /> school. <br /> 6. Redute recidivism buck into the ~uv~nile ~ust~ce sTstem by 30% <br /> followio~ youth's termination with the services (promotion of <br /> family self-su[ficiency). <br /> Of the youth surveyed 4-~0 months after termination from the <br /> program, 33% have had no further involvement with the juvenile <br /> court system. <br /> <br /> <br />