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P ROE; RAI-I SUHNARY <br /> <br /> ST^'I'ENENT OF PR(]I~LE}I: <br /> <br /> fnmJky problems. ~lnny o[' these are single parent fi~miJies or blended fm~il~e~t. Parents <br /> may exhibit ~ lack el pz~re{~ting skills cad children may not t'eceive proper supervisiOll <br /> because of parents' ,~ll'k shift~; There may he [acreased drug z~lld alcollo[ abuse by the <br /> pnreats nnd/or children ;~s ~eli as ~ncreased school difficulties by the child. <br /> this cype of environment youth tony develop soela~ly lm~ppropr[ate behaviors nnd criminal <br /> behilvkors ~h~ch result in tnvolvemeot with law enforcemeet agencies. Some youth present <br /> delinquent or chrlmic stntt~!; ol'['ense bel]avtors which may lead to court involvement and <br /> <br /> PROG~ GOAL: <br /> <br /> identified youth in changing their delinquent hud predelinquenc behaviors. EBA guidelines <br /> define home-based services us "a method of service dellvery that focuses on families of <br /> "(1) children need permanency in their family, eelntionsh~p for healthy development; <br /> the family should be the primary caretaker of lis children; (3) social services programs <br /> <br /> semites may help to remedy dys[nnct~onal famllies through counseling an~ referral to <br /> <br />deter~oration of family functioning ~hich could eventually produce addltional delinquent <br />or undisciplined behaviors by the youth. <br /> <br />There Is currently no other type of service provision llke thls ~n Cabarrus County. <br /> <br />T~GI~ POP~ATXON: <br /> <br />se~ed during a one year period ~ith the average length of service being 120 days. Some <br /> <br /> <br />