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Page 3 <br /> <br /> PROGRAM SUMMARY <br /> <br /> STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM: <br /> Cabarrus Connty has no emergency shelter for Juveniles except foster homes. <br /> Because of the success rate of children not becomieg further ievolved with <br /> the court and some children not being sent to training school becaose they <br /> are placed in this program, it is an alternative for the Juvenile Court. <br /> Siagle parent families, lack of parenting skills, lack of child supervision <br /> because of work shifts, increased drug abuse by child, i~creased school <br /> difficulties by child, lack of community resources, rapid population growth, <br /> number of juvenile petitions and training school commitments create a need <br /> for an out of home placement for children in this county. <br /> <br /> CHANGES: Cabarrus Cosuty currently has 12 licensed foster homes and 6 will <br /> accept teenagers, however, only 2 will accept the adjudicated undisciplined/ <br /> delinquent child. 21 children were served in the Lutheran Group Rome <br /> between J~ly 1, 1989 and April 10, 1990. 6 were referred by DSS, 15 were <br /> referred by Juvenile Court for placement. <br /> <br />PROGRAM GOAL: (PURPOSE OF THE PROGRAM) <br /> Main goal of this program is to reduce juvenile crime, reduce substance <br /> abuse, and provide a non-secure placement alternative to children before <br /> the court for undisciplined/delinquent behavior or prevent the children <br /> coming to court for these reasons. This program will provide a strnctured <br /> out of home placement with behavior modification, counseling, coordination <br /> of services and case planning for each child. The goal is to decraase any <br /> referrals back to the court system for children in residence at this shelter <br /> by stabilizing acting out behavior, decreasing substance abuse, improving <br /> self esteem, providing intervention services to the parents including family <br /> counseling, to result in the delinquency/undisciplined juvenile rate being <br /> decreased. <br /> <br /> No changes noted. <br /> <br />TARGET POPULATION: <br />Cabarrus County residents ages 10 through 17 who are presently before the <br />J~venile Court or experiencing behaviors or problems during the past 12 <br />months that make it likely the child will be before the court as high risk <br />for petition being filed. The Cabarrus County Department of Social Services <br />and Juvenile Court Family Counselors have the u~derstanding that priority is <br />given to any juvenile before the court on a petition for delinquency/ <br />undiscipline behavior. The intake counselor for Juvenile Court also may <br />make referrals to the program if the petition is not to be filed. Community <br />Based Alternatives minimum 'standards regarding population mre adhered to. <br /> <br />There are no 6asic changes to the children served except we have found it <br />necessary to serve more chiidren who are already before the court and fewer <br />children who are at high risk of petitio,~ Many of these children being <br />served are for delinquency behavior and uadiscipiined behavior having <br />already been tried on probation and court supervision. <br /> <br /> <br />