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SOURC£S CF PROC~ REVENU£ (~L SOURC£S) ~"g'~ ~' <br /> <br /> S 21,000 <br /> - 7,000 _ <br /> <br /> $ 28,000 <br /> * ~0~Q~_mJnimum required of CBA request <br /> <br /> YSAC Chairperson <br /> <br /> This documeet has been reviewed and recommended for fundisg. <br /> <br /> agreement to indemnify and hold harmlBss the Department of Human Resources <br /> agaznst liability, loss, damages, cos'ts, or expenses which the Department <br /> may be requested to pay by reason of any client's suffering personal injury, <br /> death, or property loss or damage either whiie participatIng in or receiving <br /> <br /> or while being transported to or from the premises 'in any vehicle owned, <br /> operated, [eased, chartered or otherwise comtracted for by the program <br /> <br /> provided, however, that the provisions Of the paragraph shall not apply <br /> to liabilities caused by or resulting from the acts of the Department <br /> or any Of its officers, employees, agents, or representatives. <br /> <br /> Civil Rights qompliance <br /> <br /> For the duration of this Program Agreement, the program agrees to <br /> comply with Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and all requirements <br /> ~mposed by federal regulations issued pursuant to that Title. <br /> <br /> notice, in writing, and delivered by registered mail with return receipt <br /> <br /> and with the policy guidelines for the Communit}, Based Alternatives Program as <br /> 44D.Codified in the North Carolina Administrative Procedures 10 NCAC 4~C and 10 NCAC <br /> <br /> Date <br /> <br />Chairman County Commissioners <br /> <br /> <br />