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: <br /> PROPOSED CONTRACT WITH BUCK CONSULTANTS <br /> <br /> This agreement is entered into by and between the North Carolina <br /> Association of County Commissioners and the North Carolina League of <br /> Municipalities, hereinafter referred to as the "Organizations," <br /> and Buck Consultants, hereinafter referred to as "Actuary," for <br /> the period beginning May 18, 1990, and ending August 1, 1992. <br /> <br /> The parties hereto agree as follows: <br /> <br /> 1. The Organizations agree to use their best efforts to encourage <br /> their member units of government to contract with the Actuary <br /> 'for the performance of actuarial studies of the units' <br /> ultimate financial liabilities under the provisions of G.S. <br /> 143-166.42 (Special Separation Allowance for Law Enforcement <br /> Personnel) and as the statute is amended during this contract <br /> period. The extent of best efforts shall be solely within <br /> the discretion of the Organizations. <br /> <br /> 2. The Actuary aqrees to offer to local units the services as <br /> outlined in the attached agreement letters dated April 27, <br /> 1990 (Exhibit A), and May 1, 1990 (Exhibit B) and according to <br /> the fee schedule set forth in those two documents. <br /> <br /> 3. Services pursuant to paragraphs 1 and 2 above provided <br /> by the Actuary to individual units of local government shall <br /> be provided under individual memoranda of participation <br /> signed by an authorized official of the unit of local <br /> government. <br /> <br /> 4. The Organizations shall have the option to review this <br /> agreement at the end of the project cycle each year (sometime <br /> after September 1 and before March 1) to assure that terms <br /> have been met satisfactorily. Should the Organizations find that <br /> a major violation of terms has occurred, the Organizations <br /> have the option of cancelling this agreement prior to August <br /> 1, 1992. Upon expiration, this agreement may be continued <br /> under terms agreed upon by the Organizations and the Actuary. <br /> <br /> Signed this day of , 1990. <br /> <br /> C. Ronald Aycock <br /> Executive Director <br /> N.C. Association of County Commissioners <br /> <br /> David Reynolds <br /> Executive Director <br /> N.C. League of Municipalities <br /> <br /> DOnald M. Overholser <br /> Consulting Actuary <br /> Buck Consultants ~ <br /> <br />euck ~0nsullanls, Inc. ~ ~__~ ~'/~ ~'~ ~ <br />4041955-2488 Fa~ 40~ 1933-8336 <br /> <br /> <br />