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I <br /> <br />Amend ARTICLE IIL THE PAY PLAN, Section 3. Use of Salary Range~ to read as follows: <br /> <br /> Thc follov, i~g pro,,~sions shah govern thc hJrlug rate, as we§ as thc grunting of wilhln-thc-rangc pay <br />increments: <br /> <br /> (a) Hiring Rate. The hiring rate is thc m~mum rate paid an cmp]oyea when <br /> hired into Cabarrns County employment. Appointment above thc hiring rate <br /> may bc made on thc recommendation of thc dcpartmant head '~,'ith thc <br /> approval or' thc County Manager when deemed nc~ in thc ~ interest <br /> of thc County. Abovc the m;,,;,~un appointments shall bc basexl on factors <br /> such as thc qualifications of thc applicant being Mghcr than desirable education <br /> and tr~inlng for thc class, a shortage of quali.(icd applicants available at thc <br /> hiring rate, and/or thc refusal of qualified applic.ants to accept employment <br /> at thc w;,~;,~um step. Initial appointments above thc third step must bc <br /> approved by thc board of' Commi~tioncrs. <br /> <br /> (b) Progrcasion to Job Rate. Employees bclow si:.p 3 of' thc pay rungc arc <br /> considcrcd to bc in tr~;n;n.g. Each )*car, on the cmFloycc's ~nn;vcrsa~ date, <br /> · e cmplo)'cc will bc e~luatM to determine if sa;.isfactory progress is being <br /> made in learning job raspon.~'bilities and duties. <br /> <br /> If the employee rccelves at least a satisfactory parformuncc cwa]uation, thc <br /> employca shall re. cch, c, upon recommendation of thc dcpartmcnt head with <br /> thc approval of thc County Manager, a one-step inc~casc in pa)'. If thc <br /> cmploycc does not receive at ]cast a satisfactory performance c~'a]uation, thc <br /> depa.*tmcnt head wi]l rccommcnd to thc County Manager relcntion at thc <br /> employee's currant ratc of pay for an additional six months. At thc end of the <br /> six month ex, caslon, thc dcpastmcnt head ~'iU rc~'inw thc cmp]oycc's progrcss <br /> in corrccting work dcficicncicg and if thc cmploycc's work has be. ca brought <br /> up to at ]cast a satisfactory level, the departmcat head wUl recommend to thc <br /> County Manager a oun-step inczeasc in pa)'. If thc cmploycc*s work is still <br /> dcficicng the dcpa,'lment head will rccommcnd no incraasc in pay and <br /> begin disciplinary measmcs in accordance with Article VII of thc Ordinance. <br /> <br /> (c) Job Rate.. Stcp 3 is she job rstc for each salary rungc and designates thc <br /> m axim~un :ate of pay ca& employee may rccelvc for s.-tisfactory performance. <br /> <br /> (d) Progres.sinn Above Sob Rate. Salary increases above job rate arc raservcd for <br /> cmpinye~s whose .iob performance has be. ca dctcrmincd to bc exceptional. <br /> <br /> Each employee whog pert'erin ance evaluation indicates that cxccptlonal work <br /> has been pcrformcd during thc past )'ear shall rcccive, t~l~on recommendation <br /> .of thc dcp. artmcnt head with the appro~ of the County bt'anagcr, a oun-stcp <br /> increase m pay. Employees at or above iob rate who do not re~ivc un <br /> exceptional c~nstion, shall bc rctaincd at thclr curr~ .*. rate of pay. <br /> <br /> <br />