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STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA WEATHERIZATION ASSISTANCE PROGRAM <br /> COUNTY OF WAKE FOR LOW-INCOME PERSONS <br /> <br />ENERGY DIVISION CONTRACT NUMBER J~9-1441-50 <br />NORTH C~ROLINA DEPARTMENT <br />OF COmmERCE PART I <br /> <br /> This AGREEMENT mmde this day of ~ 19 , by and <br />behween the Energy Division, North ~rolina ~partment of ~er~reinafter <br />referr~ to as the "Gran~ee") and Ca~rus C~nty ~p~nt of ~g <br /> ~ (hereinafter reFerr~ ~o as "~nt~acb6r"). <br /> <br /> WHERE~S, Part ~, T[tl~ IV of the National Energy ~nservation Policy ~ct, <br />(NECPA) Public ~w 95-619 provides for a Weatheri~tion ~ssistance Progr~ to <br />assist in achieving a prescrib~ level of energy conservation materials in the <br />homes of low-income persons; and <br /> <br /> '~EREAS, ~e Energy Division, North ~rolina De~r%menb oF ~erce, bas <br />been designated as the agency of ~he S~ate of North ~lina res~.sible for <br />administering all federal funds relat~ to the Weatherization ~ssistance <br />Progr~; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, ghe Energy Division, North ~roli~ Department of ~erce desires <br />th~ assistance of local co. unity organi~tions within the State of ~rth <br />~rolina in implementing the Wea%heri~bion Assistance Progr~ for iow-income <br />persons in North ~lina; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the parties hereto desire to r~uce the %e~s of this agreement to <br />~[ting; <br /> <br /> NOW THERE~RE, in consideration For the promises exchanged between both <br />~rties, ~he Grangee and the ~nbractor do mutually agree as follows: <br /> <br /> ~cbion ~: ~qr~se oF ~gre~ent. ~e of this agre~n~ is to <br />provide for the,u~ertaking of a Weatherizabion Assistance Progr~ (hereinafter <br />referr~ to as the Progr~) for low-income persons particularly the elderly and <br />ha~icapp~ ~r~ns in North ~lina by the ~ntractor and to state the te~s, <br />conditions, and mutual undertakings of the parties as to the manner in ~ich <br />the Progr~ will be undertaken and complete; and to provide, for the <br />undertaking of a Training and Technical Progr~ in an efforg to improve the <br />efficiency a~ quality of services provid~ to low-ine~e elderly a~ <br />handicapp~ Weatherization recipients. <br /> <br /> ~c~-ion 2: ~ope of Progr~. ~e ~ntraetor shall develop and ~mplete <br />the Progr~ as d~s~rY6~ in Part III, ~ich is ineor~rat~ in~o ~his contract <br />as if ~i~ben ~ for ~ herein, fil~ wi~h and approv~ by the Gr~tee in <br />acco~ance with the terms and eo~itio.s of this contract. <br /> <br /> <br />