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-8- <br /> <br /> [. Unless the council Shall Otherwise provide by reseluti~n, any surplus <br />funds tn the general operating expense account at the close of amy fiscal 'year <br />shall be credited as additional revenue for budget purposes for the following <br />fiscal year. All ether funds shall be held and disbursed as otherwise herein <br />provided or as directed by the contributing source. <br /> <br /> Cumulation ~d ~ses o~ Delegates: <br /> <br /> A. ~cep= for the ~ai~ of the Co~c[l, a deleEate, ~d in his <br />absence, ~ alte~ate delegate, may receive, if the Bylaws so provide, up <br />$40.00 for each regular or special meet~ of the Co--oil ~d ~ecutive <br />Co~tee a~ended, not ~o ~ceed $500,00 dur~ ~ f~scal year. Su~ Bylaws <br />may also provide that actual travel ~e~es, no= to ~ceed twen~yTfi+e cents <br />(,~.2~) per mile, may be paid to ea~ delegate, ~d ~n his abs~ce, to One <br />al=e~ate delegate, for attendi~ ~ meeti~ of ~e Co~c~l or ~ co~ittee <br />meetly. ~e ~a~ of ~he Co~cil shall receive $100.00 per month as <br />compe~ation for h~s se~ces to the <br /> <br /> B. For travel on ~ authorized business of the Co.oil, other t~ <br />attend Co.oil or co~ttee meet[~s, de~e~ates shall he re~hursed for <br />aotual ~es, as ap~rcved h~ the <br /> <br />~arter shall be declared by ~y court of compet~t J~risdiction to te <br />violation of the laws of this S~ate or, where applicable, ~f the laws of <br />other state, such provisions of this ~ter shall be ee~idered to <br />severable, as to the m~ber or m~bers affected, ~d the validt~ of ~he <br />r~aini~ portion of the ~ar~er shall not be affected. <br /> <br /> ~t of~arte~ ~d Bissolut~of Co~c~l~ <br /> <br /> A. ~e Co.oil may focally reco~end ~o the m~ber gove~ents a <br />resolution to ~end the ~arter by affi~ative vote of at least ~h~e~fo~rths <br />of the repre~entatives preset at ~y meeti~ at whi~ a q~o~ was present, <br />provided notice of such vo~e has be~ given ~n acco~d~ce with the Bylaws. <br />Sa~d ~en~t shall become effective when the resolution has been duly <br />adopted by three-fourths of the m~ber gove~tal ~its. <br /> <br /> 8. ~e 'Co~cil ma~ be d~ssolved at the end of ~ fiscal year o~ (1) <br />upou adoption cf a dissolution resolution by three-fourt~ of tko gove~i~ <br />bodies cf all gove~emtal ~its, or (Z) tko withdrawal from ehe Co.oil <br />all but one of t~e m~her gove~ental ~its. If su~ dissolution ts effected <br />by resolution of the m~ber gove~ents, suck resolution shall specify the <br />method of liq~idati~ the Co.oil's assets ~d liabilities. I[ s~ <br /> <br /> <br />