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July 21st. the Ui.i'lities Board recommended two cour~e~ of ~ction <br /> to the Boarcl of Commis~ioner-s. The Boa~-<ls of K~nnapolis, I~t. <br /> Pleasant and Harrisburg approved both oi these actions, The <br /> County and Concord have yet to respond. The Chairman of the <br /> Util~ ties Board ad3 orned %he last meeting ~hort ty after i% <br /> started pointi, ng out 'they could not discuss further organiza'tion <br /> of an authority until th,u County and Concord endorsed the <br /> <br /> oF reject them so ~hat the Utilities Board can move ahead. <br /> <br /> First, after' study of several options they reoolamended stud~, <br /> %he concept of a s~wer and waker aathority under N.C. G.S. 162A. <br /> CharlotTe-Mecklenburg's courtty-wlde water and sewer utilities are <br /> organized this way. Th,~ Coun'ty Attorney oan explain the <br /> <br /> Commission is being as]fed to endol'se the Conc,~pl: for ~tudy only. <br /> There are many details both praotbJ~lly and po]itioally to be <br /> <br /> pointless for the Utilities Board to begin ironing out these <br /> details until the Commission ha~ ~,ppI-oved the c~uthority consept, <br /> <br /> ~ocond, the Utiliti~:~ Board recommend,~d Lh,:t a governing body of <br />oily form Of orgginizot~on decided upon be made up of seven <br /> ir¢~,,lbers. On,= memb,~ to be appoingted by each governieg body in <br />the courtly and Lb,3 i'e]ng~inin~ two member~ to b,:~ chose at large by <br /> <br />[ would recommend endorsins both of these concepts so the <br />Utilities Board can begin working out the details of a proposal <br />that addresses both political and pF~OD't~Cm] concerns before the <br />Co~m~ssion hires a firm to s~udy the organization's financial <br />viability. I woul~l expest the political oonsLder~tions between <br />foverning bodies to be much more d~fficult to workouk than %he <br />financial aspects, onoe we all agree to head in the same <br />direction, toward the same goal. <br /> <br />t would suggest the following motion that hakes into aocount <br />concerns expressed by individual Co]mnissioners: <br /> <br />1) To approve the concept of a County-wide Sewer and Water <br />Authority to be the type of organization for a county-wide <br />wholesale water and sewer utility and it be further 'studied by <br />the Utilities Board. 2) TO approve the governing body of such <br />an authority ~o be seven members made up of one member appointed <br />by each governing body in Cabarrus County and that those five <br /> <br />areas in the county, <br /> <br />UhiliBles Board L~.ason Commissioner Bill Si]~u,ons <br /> <br /> <br />