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9-28-89 ; 4:38PM ; CONGRESSMAN REFNER~ ;l~ 2 <br /> <br /> DISASTER RELIEF ASSISTANCE <br /> Regu~es~in~t Df_sas t e r' As. sistance <br />The Federal Emergency ~nagement Agency(FEMA) serves as the central point <br />of contact within the federal government for a wide range of emergency <br />response activities including planning, mitigation, response, and <br />recovery in crisis situations. Disaster assistance is provided under the <br />authority of Public Law 93-288, as amended by PL 100-707. <br /> <br />When a disaster situation is beyond the capabilities of local and state <br />forces, supple~eflted by private and volunteer organizations, the GOvernor <br />may request that the President declare a "~aJor disaster". The <br />Governor's request includes a statement Of the i~Dact on the affected <br />area, the resources on hand, and the ~n~et needs which require federal <br />assistance. <br /> <br />A Governor's request for federal aid, addressed to the President, is <br />forwarded to f'EMA for evaluation which includes an on-scene damage <br />assessment and analysis. FEMA'a recom~endation is then forwarded to the <br />President. <br /> <br />At the time of the Presidential declaration of a "major disaster", FEMA <br />designates the counties that are eligible for federal aid. (Additional <br />COUnties are sometimes designated at a later point.) T~e president's <br />declaratio~ also names a Federal COordinating Officer (FCC) who, as the <br />President's representative, will direct federal recovery and coordination <br />activities. <br /> <br />FEMA'a res~onsibility is to supplement disaster assistance available <br />through state and local governments, not to supersede it. FEMA is also <br />respoD~iDle for coordinating disaster assistance provided by all other <br />federal agencies, state and local goverrm~nts, and, with their con~ent, <br />those of private relief agencies as well. <br /> <br />Basic disaster assistance from the federal government falls into two <br />possible categories: <br /> o Individual assista~ce, which can provide help to individuals, <br />fa~llie~ a~d b~inassee, including far,ers; and <br /> c Public assisted%ce is designed to provide federal grants to state <br />and local governments and certain private non-profit organizations.~ <br /> <br />Whether both categories of assistance are ~ade available is a <br />determination made for each county and depends on the needs identifY, ed <br />during damage assessments Dy teams usually made Up of federal, state and <br />local officials. Some declarations will involve only individual <br />assistance or only p~blic assistance programs. <br /> <br />Ff:~A's fira~ ~onrern is for families and lndlvidual~ adversely affected <br />by the dilaate~. ~e degree of sufferin~ and deprivation plays a ma~or <br />role in determining the need for federal assistance. <br /> <br />T~ere are ~o hard and fast rules within FEMA requirin~ that a specified <br />number of ~eople must be affected ~efore a request ca~ ~e ¢o~sidered. <br />The critical consideration is whether those ~mpacted by the disaster have <br />uninsur~ needs Which state, local and/or volunteer recovery efforts <br />eaPhot ~t for one reaso~ or another~_~ <br /> <br /> <br />