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8E~'~AYBURN 21~'1 : 9-2§L89 : 4':39P~ ;' CONGRESSMAN HEFNER- ;~ 3 <br /> <br /> It is virt,~ally impossible to initially assign & dollar value to the <br /> araount of property les~ or to the amount that will be needed to restore <br /> those losses. A goYernor's request for federal assistance slmos~ always <br /> inoludes a dollar estimate of th~ damages. But, as the re,rd s~ws, <br /> t~se esti~tes ~n ~ far t~ high or ~ch t~ low. Euc~ esti~tes are <br /> dsvelo~ quickly in ~st cases~ and t~eir intended role is to ~ one <br /> fa~tor in t~ ~cision process lB ~t~r~nin9 whether the r~o~ery effort <br /> is ~yond state a~ local res~nse ca~bility. <br /> <br /> ~. ~li~tiOn Process for ~ndi~idual ~sistanee <br /> <br /> Presidenti~ approval of a c~vernor's request for federal s~pple~ntal <br /> assistance activates a wide range of disaster zecovery p~r~ from a <br /> variety of federal agencies. Representatives of these agencies will <br /> into the disaster ar~a to proc/de t~e long-term r~ove~y assistance not <br /> a~atlable through e~rgeney res~nse groups such as the ~lcan Red <br /> Cr~S, ~lvation ~y ~d others. <br /> <br /> ~ ~ke it easier for disaster ~ictl~ to obtain individual assistance, <br /> ~he F~ establishes one or ~re Disaster ~lication ~nters(DAC) where, <br /> ~der one r~f, repres~ntatiues of federal ape~cie8, local ~d state <br /> gover~ents, a~%d ~oluntary r~lief ag~nciss can counsel a~ accept <br /> a~lications for aid from ~ndividuals, f~llies, ~d ~$1oeSs flr~, <br /> so~ cases, Where it ~y not ~ convenient for ~rsons to co~ to the <br /> DAC, toll 'free telephone lines ~y ~ ~ed to accept applications. <br /> <br /> Disaster A~llcation centers are established =lose to the strio~e~ area <br /> in ~ar~e facilities, often ia scala or a~rles, ~o acco~te ~y <br /> workers and the aPPlicants they will serve. Following ~ iOitial <br /> interview, each a~licant is dir~ted to the ~sks of one or ~re of the <br /> ~o~r~ent or pri~ate assiStan~ pr~ra~ ~st likely to meet the needs <br /> of that applicant. Since this is tho ~giBning of the application <br /> process, no decision is ~ in the DAC whether the applicant is eligible <br /> for one t~ of aid or ~other. Such ~cis~ons are ~%de by the Various <br /> agencies on ~e ~sis of infor~tion provided by the applicant. <br /> <br /> ~tant ~ln~s t~ ~eeD tn mind ~ut ~e Dlsa~e~ ~plication <br /> o A gisit to a DAC is the first of several ste~ in the re,very <br /> pr~es8. ~ll~nts will receive lnfo~tion ~d applications at these <br /> ¢enters~ not g~s or cash. <br /> o ~ng lines on o~ning ~y ~d ~sy signals on the phone can <br /> avo~d~ by those not severely affected by th~ disaster Dy waiting a day <br /> or two ~fore filing ~ a~lication. <br /> o ~sic tnfor~tion will ~ r~u/red from individuals a= the <br /> they apply, such as the applicant's ~/ current and pre,lassoer <br /> address (if a~toDriate), pr~f of residence, ~fent 9~one nu~r, <br /> insurance coverage, ~li~ nu~r(a) and agent's nal~. ~plieatio~ will <br /> ~ taken without this info~tion, ~t the pr~ess c~ ~ s~eded bD if <br /> it i8 readily availaDle. <br /> o ~lfCants ~ve a res~nsibility to ~ntact their iosurance <br /> ~pany or com~iea and file necessary clai~. ~ver~nt assistance <br /> ~es ~t cover ~ge or losses already covered by private insurance. <br /> o Fsderal disaster aid does not guarantee total 'recovery fro~ all <br /> <br /> 2 <br /> <br /> <br />