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<br />4, Loe'atlon of all str.;"ts, wh"thor existing or <br />proposod, storm sower, and drainag" strueturos. <br /> <br />5, ExistIng and proposed rights-of-w.y IncludIng <br />sireets, sidewalks, and utili lIes. <br /> <br />6. Boundary of the proposed proj"ct, adjacenl properly <br />o,"/ners, I.nd Use, and zoning. <br /> <br />7. Notation of dlslan~e to all major and minor <br />.rlerlols designated on the Kanlacon orCabarrul County <br />ThorouÐhfare Plan'and all colleclor streels within fiv" <br />hundred (500) feel of the.-property, <br /> <br />8. Exlsllng and proposed topography al five (5) (001 <br />Intervals. <br /> <br />Ð. Any oddltlon'" items required In olher 10ellol;S of <br />Ihl. or olher ordinances. <br /> <br />,Htd approval of a plan by Ihe "ordng ortlce, a <br />copy cf Iho "pproved plan shall be filed with tho! aoning <br />office. 1\11 land OJse permits shall bo issued only for <br />Siruciures or dWOlllngs Ihat comply wllh thll approvo:! p"",. <br /> <br />Thoroughfare Yard; A fift".n (15) fool landscopo <br />Isl"'d i. required from tho! adjoining Ihoroughf,,"" .1,'0,,1 <br />right-of-",.y. \Ih.,n a new righI-of-way has bocn .slat'lished, <br />Ih. sclb'.h I in.o ~hall b. calculaled Irom Ihe nowly <br />..Iablilh"d rigid-aI-way IIr,o. <br /> <br />n,¡. lift..n (15) fool landscaped lelback shall corolain <br />a r,'ixlur" of II." fOllowing; low love' Shrub., deeonliv" <br />Ire". (¡nl"l>.!ur. Ireo. if localod' undO( major power <br />Ir.n.mis.lon I in".), and gra.s. <br /> <br />Th" ram.lnino op"n Ir"a may be u'.d for parking and <br />Glh.r non-olr"elur., .coessory Us.s,howevor, Ihls ar.1 wi II <br />0";01 b. ;oaloulaled to moot Iho required plrkino, loading, or <br />olhur r"quirem.nls as I i.tad In. Ihe Clblrru. Counly Zoning <br />Ordinlne. and nc pormanenl struclura. .hlll be bui II in Iha <br />requir"d salback aro.. Thorefora, tho dov"loper/ownar Moot <br />sol ,.aid. and ohow 0" the .lla plan Iho aro. 10 maol Iho <br />roquirem."ls a. I isl"d in Boelion 5,8. <br /> <br />II addllion" are planned for H,o properti"s localad <br />along the abovo õno>ntlonod roldWays, Ihan H""a .ddltions <br />shall be "delaehOd from Ihe O>llatlng Itruetur.s ond ma.1 II.. <br />da.ig.'lo>d righi-of-way and setback 00 I iatcd in the <br />Kanl.eon and Cabarrus County Plans .nd Ih. <br />Couroty's 10lHr,o ordi".nc", How"v.r, If II.. .'Isling <br />"Iruetu,'" moat. Ih. requlramonts an.d salback on Ihe .bov. <br />Io'o>nlioJ;"d .-oadway., Ih"" Iho Idd/tron may b. attached 10 Ih. <br />."ISli"g .truolur"cs). I\ny additions fIve (5%) porconl 01 <br />I... Ihor, of tho ;'riOI"al Iquae. fooloOa II tho lima of <br />ado;>lio" of It,a TOZ shall b. ".11"01'1 rrom Iho TOZ <br />r"quira...nla. I <br />