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~'P'.tCA't'IuN ~O~ NO~t.~rION <br /> <br /> NA~tE OF ~VISORY BO~/CO~ITTEE/CO~ISS~ON TO ~ICH PERSON IS NO~f~NAT~D <br /> <br /> 5UBHI~ED BY DATE <br /> <br />The Cabar~s County Board of Co~lsstoners sincerely a~pre~[~es ~he ln~e~e~ of all cSt~zens <br />In County advisory ~o~t~ees and urges ~he publt~ to no.inane qua~lfied person~ ~or ~embership. <br />.Nominations may be sen~ ~o: <br /> <br /> Cabarrus Co~ Board o~ Co~sslo~ers <br /> Pos~ O~ce Box 707 <br /> Coucord, North Caro~t~ 28029 <br /> <br />For ~re i~fo~a~lo~, appllca~s ~ rev~e~ in ~he Co~y ~anager~s Offlce ~he responslb~ll:~es <br />of various advisory bodies. <br /> <br />OTHER CO~TY BOA~5~C0~E~gES/CO~SSEONS P~SEN~Y SERVING ON~ <br /> TB~ EXPIATION DATE <br /> <br />NOH~_NEE BACKGROUND INFORIq2kT[O~: <br /> <br /> OCCUPATION ~/~ PHONE NO..~7 '~ L~ <br /> <br /> I understand thaC this application will be kept. on the active file for <br /> two years only. ~ ~ <br /> <br /> <br />