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NAME OF FiRE DISTRICT ~>/'~? ~l- COUNTY ~-~ <br /> DISTRICT IS SERVED BY /~/~7 ¢ >- FIRE DEPARTMENT <br /> M ail '1'o The Nm'th Car{dina 3I:IIL, De'parlnlL, nL of l II,Ill', P. O. [{oX ~(~:j~7. Raleigh, N. C. 27i~11 --Hefm-e <br /> <br />  RURAL FIRE DISTRICT <br /> ~:2' REPORT Of FIRE CONDITIONS <br /> <br /> As required by sectioo 118,9 of the Genemtl 8tatatos of North Carolimt, I. Amlitor of said Cotinty do hereby make <br /> <br /> the follmv'a~ report 0n the ....... ~.}2g~ ........................ Rural l"ire District. County of ~r~ ...................... <br /> <br /> IPlRE DEPARTMENT INI"ORMATION <br /> Fire Dept. Persoonel ....... ~ IPull Tbne .......................................... Volunteer <br /> No. F.D. IIouses m-Stations ........ ] ....................... No. Pnmpers ........ ~ ............ No. Tankers.....~ ............... <br /> No. Other Special Purpose Vehicles /-~ <br /> ................................................ Total Co's ........ ~} ................ <br /> Type Water Supp y Mobile .......... ~ ................. ltydrauts .2.~......7..~ ......... Combination .............................. <br /> <br /> LOCAL IelREMEN'S RELIEfe IeUND <br /> <br /> Names of Trustees of l,'iremen's Relief leuml appointed by I¢ire Department (two) ...... . ......... <br /> <br /> Names of Trustees of l,'iremen's Relief [,'m~d appointedby the Coauty' Comm~ssmners' ' {two) ...................................... <br /> <br /> N ames of Trastee of ~iremen's Relief Ieuud appoiute( by I nsaranee Commissioner (one) .......................................... <br /> <br /> Treasurer ofleiremen'sReliefI,'und Number. I 2 8 ,1 ~A[mve(encirclewhieh) <br /> Is your l"ire Depm'tment a member of the North C t .o n t St de Fb'e hen's Associ.~tion? ........... ~ ......................... <br /> NORTH CAROLINA <br /> <br /> ...................................................................... Auditor/f"immce officer of .................................................................... <br /> County, N. C. do hereby eertlfy thai. the foregoing is a true. full, and em'feet report of the l"ire Department and fire <br /> <br /> conditions of ............................................ Rural l~h.e District. <br /> Under Section 118-9 of the General Statutes of North Cm'olina. <br /> <br /> Sworn to and subscribed before me, this .......................................... d~w of ......... ,19 ........ <br /> <br />NOTI~: This report can not be accepted unless sworn to before a Notary or other officer with Seal. <br /> <br /> <br />