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Section 4.3 Duties. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetin~ of the Advisory <br /> Committee and shall appoint such standing and ad hoe committees as the Chairperson <br /> shall consider expeditious or necessary in carrying out the purposes and responsibilities <br /> of the Advisory Committee. The Area Agency on Aging staff shall provide secretarial <br /> services to the Advisory Committee. <br /> <br /> ARTICLE V <br /> Meetings <br /> <br /> Section 5.1 ~qeetings. Regular meetings of the Advisory Committee shall be held at <br /> least four times a year and more often if necessary. <br /> <br /> Section 5.2 Notice. Notice of each meeting of the Advisory Committee shall be given <br /> at least seven days prior thereto by any usual means of communication. <br /> <br /> Section 5.3 Q~uorum. At least one-third of the members of the Advisory Committee <br /> shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business at any meeting of the <br /> Advisory Committee. <br /> <br />Section 5.4 Robert's Rules of Order. The rules contained in the current edition of <br />Robert's Rules of Order shall govern in all cases to which they are applicable. <br /> <br /> Section 5.5 Open ,~leetings. All meetings of the Advisory Committee shall be open to <br /> the public. <br /> <br /> ARTICLE VI <br /> <br /> Committees <br /> <br />Section 6.1 Committees. The Chairperson shall appoint such standing and ad hoe <br />committees composed of members of the Advisory Committee and such other persons as <br />shall be determined by the Chairperson with the approval of the Advisory Committee. <br /> <br /> ARTICLE VII <br /> <br /> Amendment <br /> <br />Section 7.1 Amendments. These bylaws may be amended by the affirmative vote of a <br />majority of the members of the Advisory Committee at any meeting of the Advisory <br />Committee if two weeks' notice of the proposed amendments are given to each <br />member, subject to the approval of the Chairperson of the Centralina Council of <br />Governments. <br /> <br />Amended 4-87 <br /> <br /> <br />