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PROGRAHDESCRIPTION: <br />The Temporary Shelter Care Project has and will continue to provide temporary care and <br />planning services for youths ~ho are under the care of Cabarrus County Department of Social <br />Services. Youths enter the program on an emergency basis and remain for a maximum of 90 <br />days. In addition to receiving quality residential care, planning services are offered to <br />fully asse~s the youth's family system and individual needs so that appropriate plans can <br />be developed for the youth's future. <br /> <br />The Temporary Shelter Care is being operated in Cabarrus County through a contract signed <br />by Cabarrus County Department of Social Services and North Carolina Lutheran Family Services. <br />The emergency facility is a large, two story house in the city of Concord, located approxi- <br />mately two miles from the DSS and local agencies. It is within walking distance of downtown <br />Concord and is in an excellent neighborhood offering recreation, library~ shopping and school. <br />The neighborhood is accepting of the residents and no opposition to this placement has been <br />known. The residence is a two story, frame house having a fenced-in back yard, three space <br />carport, six bedrooms, kitchen, dining room, living room, laundry area, and office. Two <br />baths are available for the children and five bedrooms are available £or them. A separate <br />bedroom and bath is available for a child care worker so that one is on the premises at all <br />times. Lutheran Family Services has done an excellent ]ob in assisting with establishing <br />the facility as they have the community support and agency and other support groups willing <br />to assist in the successful operation of this program. Besides Lutheran Family Services, <br />Centralina Council of Government has given us assistance in the financial aspect regarding <br />funding of this project. The Task Force serves as advisory group and advises on funding <br />and services to be provided. The director of the ~mergency_she)ter care facility is <br />responsible:-fo~ administrationuof'zthe::prugr~m: zShe/u~esmand~traius-the_child_c~r_~ w~r~ ..... <br />and-supervises~the-plaeements...Cabar~s-County--submi~s~ill-r~epor£s-fn~ <br />the <br /> <br />A Cabarrus County DSS. social worker places the child after alerting, the director. Ail <br />identifying information:isrecorded~-and~;rutes, expla~ued.:::~he child.;is~scheduled~for-medical;...~:.. <br />exam and psychological test and is enrolled f~ ich6oIJ'TheDSS al~Igns-i-social-~orker to .... <br />every child in-placement, at.~the facili~y_who_do~s_the_plannin~plac~men~_and ~ounsels child <br />and family to'determine-appropriate;plans;:.=Potentialaadmissions:;are.-approve~:by:th~:project <br />director (or-designee) who discusses the child with the facility director. (or designee);' · <br /> <br />The facility provides schedule of study (in school and out of school for all children). If <br />they are on suspension~ scbool work is given as scheduled. Bedtime, self-care, free time, <br />church activities, household chores, group activities are always scheduled. Group activities <br />often include iow cost experiences such as camping which offer a therapeutic component to <br />the placement. <br /> <br />Discipline is decided by the facility director. No corporal punishment is used. Restriction <br />of privileges works better. At least one child care worker is present at all times. <br /> <br />Staff meetings with DSS and Lutheran Services are beld every quarter. Progress reports on <br />each child are recorded weekly by the facility staff and they participate as needed in all <br />aspects of the child's life while he is in placement. The facility is licensed by North <br />Carolina Department of Social Services according to guidelines for a group home. This must <br />be renewed each year. <br /> <br />The basic function of the residential care program will be to provide opportunities within <br />group living of constructive growth and development, being always aware of the special <br />needs of the youth being served. The youth acting~ reacting to and interacting with peers <br />and adults in a cottage environment will contribute to ~heir growth and education. <br /> <br /> (ton't) <br /> <br /> <br />