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APPLLCAI tun FOR NOMINATION <br /> <br /> NAMI~ OF ADVISORY BOMLD/COP~ITTEE/CO~'MISSION fO I~dICH PERSON IS NOtlINATED <br /> <br /> SUBHITT~ BY iiort:hv~est ;J~tbnrrus .!izh School (~J. .~dwards/ DATE 6-11-86 <br /> J. Smith) <br /> The Cabarrus County Board of Co~lssionera sincerely appreciates the lnt~re~ of all citizens <br /> In County advisory co~lttee~ and urges the public to nominate qualified person~ for membersh <br /> Nominations may be sent to: <br /> <br /> CabarruS Co~ty Board of Co~ssloners <br /> Post Office Box 707 <br /> Concord, North Caroli~ 28025 <br /> <br /> For ~re lnfo~tion, applicants ~y review in the ~[y ~nager's Office the responsiblliti <br /> of various advisory bodie~. <br /> <br /> OT~R CO~ BO~S]~I~EESfCO~SSIONS P~SEN~Y SERVING ON: <br /> BOA~, CO~IT~E, CO~ISSION <br /> <br /> NOMINEE BACKGRO~D INFO~TION: <br /> N~'[Brt D, :':essler P~NE NO. 9~2-718? <br /> ~0~ ~ss :.1918' South f~ain Street ~[annaoolis, N.C. zip CODE : 2~O81 -.... <br /> <br /> BUSINESS ~D~SS--iqorthwest Cabarrus High School ZIP CODE 28025 <br /> Boy Scout Camp i~d. Concord, <br /> OC~PATION S~udent PHONE NO. 788-4!11 <br /> <br /> ~CE .H~ite SEX ~.'iale A~E 17' <br /> <br /> NO. HOURS AVAI~LE PER ~N~ FOR THIS POSITIO~ ' . .' <br /> <br /> EDUCTION ~n~do~ne Elementar~z ~chool; 'lst :~d ~lement~y School; <br /> <br /> l'~inecoff Element~v School; Northwest Cab~:rrus i~iiddle & High School <br /> <br />BUSINESS ~ CIVIC E~IENCEfSK~LS' Student=Lab,-mowing service;~ssistant/ A,~U <br />Jr. O!ymoic Bnsketball Team(Reno, Nev.);student council room red; vmrked for <br />Cab. Co. ~.~lec. ~t ~'~inecoff &Central Cabarrus Handicapped Groups <br /> <br /> A~AS OF E~ERTISE ~D I~E~STfSKILLS .~th!etics (bmsketbal! & basebmll): <br /> <br /> ~'orking v~ith peo~,!e--especial!y menially handicapped. <br /> <br /> I understand that this application will be kept. on the active file for <br /> t~n years only. <br /> <br /> Signature of Applicant <br /> <br /> <br />