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..... COUNCIL OP GOVHRNHENTS ~UNDZNG <br /> Sec.. 151.. (a) Of the funds appropriated by Section 2 <br />of this act to tbs Department of ~atural 8esources and Connunity <br />Developnent, nine hundred ninety thousand dollars {$990,000) <br />.shall only b~ used ns provided by this section. Each reqional <br />council of governsent is allocated an amount up to fifty-five <br />thousand dollars ($55,000) with the actual amount calculated as <br />provided ia subsection {b) of this section. <br /> {b) The funds shall be allocated as follows: R share <br />of the anxious fifty-five thousand dollars ($55,000) shall he <br />allocated to each county and sualler city based on the 1980 <br />Federal Census population of that county {less the.population of <br />any larger city within that county) or smaller city, divided by <br />the sus of the total population of the region {loss the <br />population of larger cities within that region) and the total <br />population of the region living in smaller cities. Population <br />totals shall be according to the 1980 Federal Census, except to <br />account for cities incorporated since the return of that census, <br />and in such case, the nest recent annual estlnate of the Office <br />of State Budget and ~anagenent shall be used.. Those funds shall <br />be paid to the regional council of governnent to mhich that <br />county or city belongs upon receipt by the Office of a resolution <br />o£ the governing board o£ the county or city requesting release <br />of the funds. If any city or county does not so request payment <br />of funds b~ June 30, 1987, that share of the allocation shall <br />reeert to the General road. <br /> {c) A council of governnents nay use funds appropriated <br />by this section only to .assist ~ocal governments in grant <br />applications, econooic development, .conaunity development, <br />support of local industrial development activities, and other <br />activities as deemed appropriate by the nenber governsents.. <br /> {d) Funds appropriated by,this ~ection nay not be used <br />for paysent of dUes or the eenber gov~rnments;:.an4 ' · ' <br />nay not supplant funds appropriated by the ueaber governeentSo <br /> (e) Rs used in this section "larger City~ neans an <br />incorporated city with a population of 50,000 or over. "Smaller <br />Cityn weans an7 other incorporated city.. <br /> <br /> <br />