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Meeting Minutes
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Meeting Minutes - Date
Board of Commissioners
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~0. Provide Extension agents ]4. P~ovide Extension workers The l~orth'Carolina <br /> with official envelopes, with training programs as Agricultural Extension <br /> bulletins ldeslgnated for ~ree needed to maintain effective Sela~lce and the A &,T <br /> dls~bution), leaflets, and program delivend. State Agricultural - .. <br /> other publications for '..~:-. Extension Program and <br /> educational puq~oses. 15. Develop and maintain a :'~:~ the Beard of County .~.~:~i'?;i .. <br /> '-' Commissioners <br /> 11. Accept responsibility and County Advisond Leadership mutually agree: <br /> provide the leadership for :'~; .System to insure that county = . <br /> <br /> administration and Extension programs are 1. That all ceunty Extensien <br /> supervision for Extension . based on the particular appointments and separatiens <br /> programs and personnel, needs of people in their are to be worked out jointly <br />,,. respective county. - between the North Carolina <br />i:~ including compliance with _... <br /> the requirements of Agricultural Extension ,C~vice <br /> Affirmative Action and Equal and the Board of County <br /> Employment Opportunity The Board of County Commissioners, and that no <br /> guidelines. Commissioners will: official action will be taken by <br /> either party re§arding <br /> 12. Develop and administer a 1. Provide the county's share of appointment or separation <br /> personnel management plan salaries tor Extension prior to discussion of the <br /> that will provide for. personnel, matter with the other party. <br /> a. The annual review of <br /> each worker's 2. Provide office space and P. That the policies established <br /> performance, equipment, utilities, by the State of North Carolina <br /> b. Counseling for job telephone, office supplies, and fo]lowed by the University <br /> improvement where demonstration materials and be used as a guide in granting <br /> needed, other items needed for annual, sick, civil and militmy <br /> c. Periodic county program efficient operation of the leave for Extension personnel. <br /> reviews. County Extension Office and <br /> proc~ram. 3. To cooperate in applying <br /> 13. Provide a staff of specialists Affirmative Action and Equal <br /> to continuously t~rain agents 3. Review and consider the Employment Opportunity <br /> in current technology and annual budget request from plans of the North Carolina <br /> other changes affecting the Extension Service and Ag~cu]tural Extension 5entice. <br /> agriculture, home take appropriate action by <br /> economics, 4-H and youth, duly I of each fisca! year. 4. That Extension agents will not <br /> community and natural be classified under a county <br /> resource development and 6,. Confer and advise with the classification system. <br /> lo assist them in the conduct District and County Extension <br /> of work in these areas. Chairmen and Extension ,5. That Extension agents will <br /> Advisond Council relative to follow County policies relative <br /> county Extension programs, to office hours and holidays. <br /> <br /> We are in agreement with the above description el the responsibilities and relationships, and that this <br /> memorandum Dt unctet$tan~ing may be ~eviewecl at ~ny time but sh~ll t~ ~es'iewe~ onge ~act~ /our years. <br /> <br /> Dkector <br /> <br /> <br />
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