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. Special Provisions of the Grants <br /> <br /> 1. The State cost share of any rater or sever project may not co~prlse more than <br /> fifty percent (501) of the total project cost if federal funds are not <br /> available, or fifty percent (50l) of the nonfederal share if federal funds are <br /> available [Section 5,12(a)]. <br /> <br /> Projects eligible for funding under the Clean Water Bond Act of 1977 are <br /> eliilble for funding under this act vlthout regard to the availability of <br /> federal funds [Section <br /> <br />3. Resolutions by the SoverninS board of a city indicating that it rill proceed <br /> vith an eligible project oust be adopted by April 1, 1986 and mist be <br /> submitted to the Office of State Budget and Hansgement within fifteen days of <br /> the adoption, The resolution mist provide a description of the project <br /> (including need, purpose and population to be served), an estimated project <br /> cost, the funding source and certification that the city rill he able to fund <br /> the local cos~ share. Failure to meet this deadline rill result in the city <br /> suballocation reverting to the couuty suballocation [Section 5.12(e)]. <br /> <br />4. Transfers of allocations are alloyed betveen cities, counties and government <br /> units vlthln the same county upon resolution of the city or county governn~nt <br /> [Section 5.12(e) (f) <br /> <br />5. Suballocations of cities, counties or §overnment units must be committed in <br /> total or in part to rater or sever projects by December 31, 1986. Failure to <br /> meet this requirement may result in the loss of availability. Funds are <br /> considered committed if the project has approval of the appropriate State <br /> ageocy as required by lay [Section <br /> <br />6. Disbursement of State funds for proiect costs shall be upon certification by <br /> city, county or government units of execution of contracts for project <br /> construction and shall be based upon a payment schedule adopted by the Office <br /> of State Budget and Hanasement [Section 5.12(K)]. <br /> <br />?. "Total Project Coat" ~eans the actual cost of planning, deslg~ing and <br /> conatrnctini any project for vbich funds are available nnder this act <br /> including plannins; environmental assessment; sever system analysis, <br /> evaluation and rehabilitation; e~&ineering; and contingency costs for rater <br /> supply systems, vastevater collect ion systems, and vastevater treatment vorks <br /> and any extensions, i~rovements, remodeling, additions, or alterations to <br /> existing systems. <br /> <br />$. S~aste~ater collection ayste~' shall mean a unified syst~ of pipes, conduits, <br /> pumping stations, force mains, aug appurtenances for collecting and <br /> transmittinS vatez'-carrled human vestee and other vaste~ater from residences, <br /> iedostrial establishments or any other buildings. <br /> <br />9. *~astevater treahnent vorks" shall mean the various facilities and devices <br /> used in tbs treatment of savage, i~dustrial vesta or other vestee of a liquid <br /> nature, including the necessary intercepting se~ers, outfall severs, pt~pln~, <br /> ps,er, and other equipment and thei~ appurtenances. <br /> <br /> <br />