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lb) employetswhD.hand~e, shlp, g>r studentslnretellorservleeeflabiilh. Ezemptlong from Overtime <br /> receive goods moving in Int£rstlts manta, IgriculbJre. or Institutions o1 FroHglong Only <br /> commerce; higher educet;on. Spe, clel os~lficstes <br /> (cf clerics1 or other workers who : issued by the W~e and Hour Admlnbt~l- Certeln highly-paid commas[on <br /> regularly use the ma~h, telephone, or tor must be obtained by amploysrl wJlh- employees of retell or service establish- <br /> telegraph for interstate communJcl- lng to un these provisions, meets; auto, truck, trailer, firm Ample. <br /> lion or who keep raceme on Inter- meet, tx)st, ix elrcPift eslesworkers, or <br /> state trensact~ohs; Industry wsge ordert easy set minimum pertsmen end mechanics servicing autos, <br /> (dj employees who regufsdy crore State cages below the generally gppf[cabf! trucksorfarmlmplemenl~,andwhoare <br /> tines in the course of their work; and minimum wage under the Act fo~ em. amp. loVed by nonmanufacturing estab- <br /> (el employees of independent employers ployees in Puerto Rico, the Virgin l[~hmcnts primarily engaged In sell ng <br /> who perform clericsl, eustadieto Islsnds, and Ameri.can Samoa, these items to uitleaete purchasers; <br /> maintenance, ur other work for firms - <br /> engaged in commerce or In the pro. Workers who are a;led or mentally or Employees of railroads end slr carrie/s, <br /> duction of goods fur commerce, physically d[sabled and whme earning taxl drivers, certaln employees of mofor <br /> &bJlitJes ers reduced easy slag be eeaploy- ClrrJen. seamen on American reuses, and <br /> Domestic service workers such as mllds, mi st rates bel~P~ the minimum wigs, focal delivery employees paid on appro- <br /> day workers, housekeepers, chauffeurs, under ipecill certlficates iuued by the red trip rate plans; <br /> coolu, or full.time baby sitters ere coy. Admlnistrstor. <br /> ered if they (1) rec~jye at least $50 in Announcers, news editors, and chief <br /> cash wages In s calendar quarter from engineers of certal.n nonmetropolitsn <br /> their qmployer or (2) work a total of broedcast~ng statlons; <br /> more than 8 hours a week for 'one or Exemptlons <br /> more ~mployers. Domestic servlce wqrkers reslding in the <br /> Se, me employees Im excluded fTom the employers' residence.s; <br /> ealnimuffi wage or overtime provisions, et <br /> Tipped Employees ' both, by specific exeeaptions. Bec~ure Eeaployees of mellon plcture theaters; <br /> each exemption Je narrowly defined a. nd fsrmworkers. <br /> Tipped employees are those who under the law, In employer ~ould oars- <br /> -customarily and regularly receive more fu ly check ts exact terms and conditions <br /> than $30 smooth in tips. The employer before apply[ngit. The following exlm. Partial Exdmptlons from <br /> may consider tips as pert of wages, ~but pies ere illustrative only lad do not spell Overtime <br /> such a wade credit must not exceed ]10 out the conditlons for eKh. Detailed Pertlei eve.lame pay exemptions ere <br /> percent of the mlnJmum wage. Information Is IVliJSb[e fro~11 Ieee1 Wage- provided for certain operations on agra- <br />'. Hour offices, cu[tur&l commodilies and for employ- <br /> 'The employer who elects to use the tip oas in certain bulk petroleum dJslrJbu- <br /> ,credit'l~rovision must inform the employ- .Exemptlon~' from Both lion. <br /> ce Tn s.dvance and must be able to Ihow Minimum Wage <br /> that the employee receives mt lea~ the <br /> minlmum wsge when direct wages and afld Overtime <br /> the Tip credit allowance are combined. Executive, Idminlstratlve, and <br /> /Uso, employees must retJJn afl of their profess[onal employees (including tee- Child Labor <br /> tips, except to the extent that they peril- .chefs and acsdemlc ~dminTstrat;vs per- <br /> capote in a valid tip pooling or sharing sonnel in clemen~ry or seccodsry <br /> arrangement, schools) end outslde sales j>ersons (es de- The FLSA child labor provisions are <br /> fined in the DJvls[on's regulstlons); designed 1o protecl the educational <br /> opportunities of minors and prohibit <br /> Employer-Furnished Employees of certain individually owned their employment in jobs end under <br /> Facilities and operated smsll refill or service estsb- conditions detrimental to their health <br /> ][sJ~ments not pert of a covered or well-being. The prov[s~ons ~ncfude <br /> enterprise; lists of hazardous occupation orders <br /> The reasbneble cost or fair value of for both far~ and nonfarm jobs declared <br /> board. Iodglng, end other facilities custom- Employees of certaln seasonal ~musement by the Secreiery o; Labor as being too <br /> srily furnished by the employer for the or recrealional ertablithments, employees dangerous for minors lo perform. Fur- <br /> employee's benefit may be considered of certlln smell newspapers, swltchboerd thee information on prohibited getups- <br /> pars gl wages, if acceptance of the SKill- operators of small tel;phone companies, lions is available from local Wage-Hour <br /> ties is voluntary on the p'art of the em- seamen employed on foreign vessels, and offices. <br /> ployee, employees engaged in fishing operetions; Regulations governing youth employ- <br /> ment in non,arm jobs differ somewhat <br /> Submfnlmum Wage Farm workers ampi.eyed by anyone who from those pedslning to agricultural <br /> Provisions used no more t~an 500 man-days of farm employment. In nonferm work. the per- <br /> fat)o~'ln any cstendar quer~er of the pre- mlss~ble kinds end hours gl work. by <br /> <br /> Learners sod apprentlcet me,/, unde~ <br /> IxrtJin circumstances, be pa;d less then Casual babysitlcrs and persons employed 18 years or olde~', any ~ob. whether <br /> the m;n;rnum w~ge, as weft ~s full.time ~ companions to the elderly or infirm, b&zardous or not. lee unlimited hours <br /> <br /> <br />