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I <br /> beforp the Work Is performed, Is Io pay tot enforcement wl~ regard to all other The Wage and Hour Division <br /> 1-1/2 times the ~iece rate for each Federal employees, <br /> piece produced during ovedime hour. s. The Wage-Hour Division's enforce- In addition 10 the FL~A, the ~'ege and <br /> The piece tale musl be fha one aclual- menl of the FLSA Is carried Out by Hour Division enforces end edml~ <br /> ly paid during non-overtime hours End compliance officers stationed across Islets a number of other labor lewd. <br /> must be enough to yield at least the the U.S. As the Division's eulhorized Among these sro** <br /> minimum wage per hour. representeflves, they have the author- <br /> 3. Salaries -- the regular rate tot an Ily to conduct investigations and · the Davis-Baron Act (requires pay- <br /> employee paid a solely for a regular gather date on wages, hours, and merit of prevailing wa~e rates and <br /> or specified number of hours a week other employment condilions or fringe benaflb on Federally financed <br /> is obfalned by dividing the salary by practices, In order to determine cum- or assisted construction) <br /> the number of hours for which the alls~ plience with the AcL Where violations · the Walsh-Healey Publlc Contracts <br /> <br /> If, under the employment agreement, changes in employmenl practices, in wage rates end dally or we~kly ever- <br /> e salary sufficient to meet the mini- order to bring an employer Into time pay on contracts to provide <br /> mum wage requirement in every compliance with the iow. goods to the Federal gdvernment) <br /> <br /> the S~rHce Contract Act {requires <br /> workweek is paid as straight timetorwhatever number of hoursIlls a violation of Ule FLSAto fire or · payment of prevalllngwage rates and <br /> in any other manner discriminate fringe benefib on contrecl~ fo provide <br /> are worked in a workweek, against an employee for filing a cum- services to U~e Federal government) <br /> the regular rate is obtained plaint or participating in e legal pre- <br /> by dividing the salary by the number ceedlng under tho Isw. · the Contract Work Hours end Safety <br /> of hours worked each week. To Illus- Standards Act (sets dally or weekly <br /> Irate. suppose an employee's hours el Willful violations may be prosecuted overtime standards for Federal.con- <br /> work vary each week end the agree- criminally and the violator fined up to tractsJ <br /> ment with the employer is that the $10,000. A second conviction may result · *the Migrant and Se~onM Agricultural <br /> employee will be paid $2D0 e week for in imprisonment. Worker Protection Act (protacb farm <br /> whatever number of hours of work ere workers by Impmlng certaln rer~ulra- <br /> required. Under this pay agreement, Violators of the child labor provisions menb on agricultural employers end <br /> the regular rate will very in overtime ere subject foe clvilmoneypenaltyofup associations;and by requiring the <br /> -waeke. lf the employee works SO to $1,000 for each violation, registration of crewleaders who must <br /> hours, the regular rate is $4 {$200 also provide the same worker protec- <br /> divided by 50 hours). In eddilion._to the tlons) <br /> salary, 112 the regular rate, or $2 Is Recover~ o! Back Wages <br /> due for each of the 10 overtime hours, · the Wa~e Garnishment Law <br /> for a total of $220 for the week. If the amount of an in~Jivldual's i. ncome <br />: employee works 54 hours, the regular The FLSA provides for the following may be legally garnished and pro- <br /> ' rate'will be $3.70 ($200 divided by 54). methods of recovering unpald mini- hibits the firing of an employee <br /> "' In that case, an additional $1.85 is due . mum end/or overtime wages: whose pay is garnished for pay- <br /> for each of the 14 overtime hours.for ¶. The Division may supervise payment merit of a slngla debt). <br /> a total ol $225.90 for the week. o( back wages. <br /> More detailed Inlormstion on the <br /> In no case may the reg~dar tale be 2. The Secretary of Labor mey~ring FLSA end other laws administer'ed by <br /> less than the minimum wage required suit for back wages and an equal . the Division Is available from <br /> by the Act. amount as liquidated damages, local Wage-Hour o~fiCeSo which ate <br /> If · salary is paid on other than a <br /> weekly basis, the weekly pay must be .a. An employee may fils a private suit lisled in the white pages of most <br /> delermined in order fo compute the for beck pay and en equal amount as telephon, e d[reclorles under U.S. <br /> Government, Department of Labor, <br /> regular rate and overtime. II the salary liquidated damages, plus attorney's <br /> is tot a half month, it must be multi- fees end court costs· Employment Standards Adminlstra- <br /> plied by 24 and the product divided by lion, Wage and Hour Division. <br /> 52 weeks to get the weekly equivalent. 4. The Secretary may obtain an In- <br /> A monlhly salary should be mullipliad Junction to restrain any person from <br /> by 12 and the product divided by 52. violating the law, Including the unlaw~ Equal Pay Prcwi$ion~ <br /> ful withholding of proper minimum <br /> wage and overtime compansetlnn. The equal pay provisions of the FLSA <br /> prohibit wage difftrentleh, based o('J <br /> between men end women employed in <br /> Enforcement An empfoy8~ may nor bring suit If he the same establi~menI, on ~e~ Aa! re- <br /> or she has been paid bec~ wages quira equal skill, effort and respc~nslb,~li <br /> The Wage and Hour Division edmin~ under the supervision el the Division end whlch era performed under similar <br /> islets and enforces the law with re- or II the Secretary has already filed working conditio~.'l~es~ provisim'tl, <br /> spect to private employment. State eull to recover the wages, w~tl es other I~atute$ prohibiting <br /> end local government bmploymenl, crlmlnatlon in employment, ere.enforc~ <br /> and Federal employees of the Library A two-year statule of limitations by ~e Equal Employment Opportunttl <br /> of Congress. U.S. Postal Service. applies 1o the recovery of beck pay. CommiLtio~. More detailed ~nfon',~ltlO( <br /> Postal Re e Commission. end the except in the case pi willful violstion, e~*allab~e from thelf offices w~k~ Ire <br /> Tennessee Valley Authority. The Or, ce in which case a'~h~e~-yeer statute ap- ]ir~ed In most telephone o~raclo~iet, <br /> <br /> <br />