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Page <br /> <br />COLLI~L~ COUNTY Davle County Scheols $100,178.61 <br />--~olu~bus County Schools S190,449.02 DAVZE COUNTY <br /> <br /> Processing Rebates R,0~4.43 Process~ngRebates ~8,9~3.01 <br /> ~JtevJlle City Schools 5S,8~0.~5 EF~ <br /> Processing Rebates 7~63q.~0 Oavle County Hospital - <br /> (FAP Z63,809.93 Total $~61,944.98 <br /> Child Care 1,669.64 <br /> 9o~s H~ of H.C. 5,823.60 ~lH CO~TY <br /> COleus County ~osg~tal 6,868.72 ~ty Schools S189,510.26 <br /> G~d Shepherd H~ S~5~3,012.61 P~cessJng Rebates Z5,507.18 <br /> TotaT [FkP 232,6~.76 <br /> ChiLd Care 413.19 <br />C~VEH CO~TY HutrltJon Prog. for Elderly 4,8~.66 <br /> 1 733.96 <br /> Craven County Sch~Ts S283,639.37 SheLtered ~orLshop & ArcE~ay <br /> Processing Rebates S0,733.37 Total <br /> <br /> Couet~ JatT 4,1~.62 DU~ C~TY <br /> Child Care 2,428.38 Ourham Co6nty Sch~ls ~2M,133.39 <br /> HutrJtton Prog. for [lder~ 49S.32 Processing ~bates 64,747.92 <br /> HoHells. ChJld Care Center 6,256.72 ~rh~Ctt~Schools <br /> Craven Co. HosPital 10,648.36 ProcessJng Rebates 19,16S.56 <br /> ~aveToc~ Center of ~CSC 1,926.65 Ef~ 298,623.89 <br /> Co~nJty 5oup K~tchen 753.32 County ~all 7,645.58 <br /> Total S547,069.73 Child Care <br /> HutrJtJon Prog. for Elderly <br /> C~ERL~D C~NTY NrJght Scflool 1,750.53 <br /> C~erland County SCh~ls $357,579.70 Lenox Raker Hospital 910.18 <br /> Processing Rebates g~,g61.~g ~t~odJst RetJre~nt ~ <br /> Fa~ettevJlle :Jty 5chris 212,50D.~ Ourham~ntal Health 3,078.23 <br /> Protesstng Rebates 21,6Z~.08 S~tv~t~on R~ 265~27 <br /> Fort Bragg Sch~ls 126,311.47 Alcoholic Trea~nt CIJnJc ~,156.12 <br /> ProcessJng Rebates 17,~65.S0 ~rham Exchange Club S,6~.7B <br /> EFRP 6~219.52 Durham C~. Living Program .2,565.22 <br /> County Jail 10,~9.34 To~l <br /> Child Care 20,864.23 <br /> ~alcon Chtldrens ~ 3,755.5a E~[C~E <br /> C~erland Assoc. for Blind 782.61 Edgec~Co~ty 5chela $~3~,831.79 <br /> Sa~r~tan Goo~11 Center 4,927.7S Processing Rebates 1~,46~.26 <br /> ~ope ~arbor Christian ~ssJon S,1~3.~0 Ta~bo~ City Schools 67,25S.91 <br /> Salvation Amy ~,274.33 Processing Rebates 13,~3.12 <br /> Love Lunches thC. 5,240.03 EF~ 287,166.40 <br /> Total ~Z,~U,916.~4 Child Care 757.M <br /> Nutritfon P~g. for El&erly 1,959.9G <br /> CURRtTUCK C~NTY Tar~ro Adult Activity Center 1~320.34 <br /> CurrJtuck County Schools $ 53,7~8.9B Total <br /> Processing Re~ates <br /> EF~ 13~831.1~ FORSYTH <br /> Total $ 71,~0.~ Forsyth Count~ Schools $63~,528.38 <br /> Processing ~bates <br /> O~E C~TY E~AP 247,914.35 <br /> Dare County Schools $ 4B,77~.22 County ~atl <br /> Ef~ ~l~O~.B7 Chtld Care 10,447.70 <br /> ~otal $ ~g,83~.09 NutrJtlon Prog. for Elderly <br /> kss~at~on for Han&~capped 1,617.33 <br /> ~VIOSON CO~TY Horizons Residential Center 1,894.50 <br /> OavJdson Countx Schools $333,512.87 Chlldrens H~ Inc. 2,~7.62 <br /> P~ess~n9 Rebates S2,STZ.RZ E~esus Ac~dem~ I,~0.73 <br /> Lexington C~t~ SChools 70,346.18 ' Good,fl1 ~hab[litation Center 5,4~.54 <br /> Processing Rebates 7,541.27 Blu~nthal ~e~Jsh H~ <br /> lh~sv~lTe City Sch~ls 74,~72.49 Friendship Xouse 1~196.11 <br /> Processing Rebates 7,406.17 ~inston Sal~Rescue Hisston 4,76B.38 <br /> EF~ 240,~Z.79 kTco~ol~sm Res~deat~l C~re 5,669.03 <br /> Child Care 4,287.38 Youth ~rLunlty H~ 537.41 <br /> S~er C~s 3,627.B~ Fots~th Count~ ~ospJtal <br /> ~r~can Ch~ldrens ~ 3,B27.13 P~cess~g Rebates 141.35 <br /> Hills N~ 5,B18.48 Sa~rltan Soup Kitchen 7,491.07 <br /> Oavidson Sheltered Norkshop 3,136.62 Fell~shJp H~ of glnSton SaTem <br /> <br /> Salvation A~ $~811,e~3.~ Total ST,~3,01g. lO <br /> Total - <br /> <br /> <br />