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Page 4. <br />~IH C04~HTY Presbyterian Ho~ "$ 8,Z~i~74 <br />Fra~kTtn County S~ho~ls $107,300.38 Evergreens 1~¢. 27,87Z.B4 <br />Processing Rebates 12,944.17 Haryfleld Nursing ~ 8,441.17 <br />Frankllnton City Schools 30,207.46 S~]v~tJo~ Amy 4,566.6~ <br />P~cessJn9 Rebates 2,611.81 Bell House, lac. 3,240.99 <br />EF~ 82,847.77 Greater Ple~nt Challenge* · 4,580.70 <br />Child Care 36&.S8 Sa)ration Amy <br />Total $~ Youth Care, Inc. 10,01~.8g <br /> House ef Prayer for Alcoholics <br />~ST~' COU~Y Greens~ Urban M~nlstry 7,05S.~ <br />Gaston County Schools $611,372.11 Urban H(nlst~ (High Point) 4,694.g4 <br />Processing Rebates 66,506.16 Sue Lynn Residential Services 3,536~ <br />EFAP ~05,196.S3 Guilford Area Lutheran Services <br />County Jail 8,607.80 O.N.C.G. S~r Feeding ll~OI8.)B <br />Child Care 9,752.20 Total SZ,O3Z~T23.~1 <br />~o1~ Angels g,3~.76 <br />St. HJchaels Soho1 3,g7~50 ~IF~C~NTY <br />GasCon Co. SS Receiving H~s -1,145.16 Halifax County Schoois $ 16~ ggg.73 <br />GasCon Residential Services 709.66 P~cessing Rebates ~3,893.~0 <br />Lutheran Family So,ices 3,3~.35 Roanoke Rapids City 5ch~ls 3~,430.76 <br />Stanly Christian Academy 1 026.50 Processing Rebates 6,O1A.lO <br />Total $~ Wel~n City Schools 31,519.07 <br /> P~cessing Rebates 5,462.84 <br />GA~S C0UNTY EFAP 265,063.~ <br />Gates Count~ Schools $48,337.~ Child Care 731.28 <br />EFAP 3a,g80.77 Union HJss~on Inc. <br /> 50g <br /> Child Care g48.66 . Halifax Co. Health Oeplr~nt$ ~. ~...~ <br /> ~otal S84,257.~1 Total <br /> <br />G~ COUH~ ~[~ C~N~ <br />Grah.. ~ounty Schools $27.033.54 Harnett County Schools <br />Processing Rebates 2,713.20 P~cessing Rebates ~,048.25 <br />[FAP 60 179.68 EFAP <br />Total S89,gZ6.42 Child Care 1,602.00 <br /> S~ C~s 1~376.2Z <br />G~NVILLE COU~Y Total $596,041.5~ <br />GranvjlTe County Schools $17Z,480.08 <br />Processing Rebates 20,234.06 ~Y~COU~Y <br />EFAP 105,486.69 Ha~od County Schools $179,188.3Z <br />County Jail gOB.58 Processing Rebates <br />Child Care 275.68 [F~ 1Z7,1~.~ <br />S~r Ca~ps 3,40~.3S County ~a~T 1,Z18.70 <br />C. A. OJllon School 6,2~.73 Child Care 342.14 <br />Con:fa10rgha~ge of N.C. 1,5al.41 NutrttJon P~g. for Elderly S66.62 <br />~ohn ~tead Hospital 5g,l~g.~7 S~r :~ps 8,698.~5 <br />Processtng Rebates g,218.63 Bro~h~11 ~ Z,940.64 <br />~urdoch Center 74,269.41 Ha~od County Hospital <br />Processing Rebates 12,41Z.21 ~als on ~heels a~825.18 <br />Alcoholic Rehab5l~tat~on Center 4~514.~ Tota~ <br />Total $~56.196.94 <br /> HEHOERSON COU~Y <br />GREE~E COUNTY Henderson Catty Schools $169,906.~6 <br />Greene County Schools $ 63,495.15 ProcessJ~ Rebates 21,320.31 <br />Processing Rebates ~,418.78 HendersonvJlle C~ty Schools 2B,552.63 <br />EFAP g6,111.6Z Processing ~bates 4,101.55 <br />Narration Program for Elderl~ 2 ~98.36 [fkp 92,166.6S <br />Total $~ County ~a~l 1,739.24 <br /> Child Care 2,167.gZ <br />GU]LFORO C~NTY Nutrttlofl P~g. for Elderly 385.38 <br />Guilford County Schools $485,25g.95 S~r Ca~s 19,961.10 <br />ProcessJng Rebates 83,4~5.75 E. loh~lu C~ ~,735.35 <br />Greens~ro City Schools 409,g36.06 H~nJstr~ Seven ~,315.03 <br />~rocessSn9 Rebates T0,1~8.16 p~rg&re& Perdee ~. Hospital 7~47Z.10 <br />High Point City Schools 225,~6.11 Total <br />Processing Rebates ~7,94~.~ <br />~F~ 551,~0~.78 ~ERTFORO COU~ <br />County ~aJl ~,617.0Z ~ertford County Schools $100,156.92 <br />Child Care 1B,876.18 Processing ~bates IO,BO3.ZZ <br />S~r Camps 5,263.1~ EFAP 117,3~0.S7 <br />Grace Lutheran School 1,5~Z.56 County ~1 406.~ <br />Central Sch. for the Oeaf 5,117.49 Child Care 1,190.3B <br />~esleyan~ad~ 10,817.37 Roanoke Ch~an Hospital 3,~17.44 <br />6uJlford Count~ lnstJtutJons 130S93.11 Roanoke Ch~an ~n Se~ces <br /> Total <br /> <br /> <br />