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3/28/2003 9:13:49 AM
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11/27/2017 12:12:30 PM
Meeting Minutes
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Meeting Minutes - Date
Board of Commissioners
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inventory shall show the qunnllty, kind or grade of each item the <br />wholesale east thereof, the price at which each item is pt~opesed to be <br />sold. and the total wholesale and retail value of the inventory based <br />on the foregoing, and if sales are to be made other than from inven- <br />tory+ a copy of the eataingue or other sales materials, and/or a listing <br />of the samples to be displayed. <br /> (4) A statement of the amount of gross receipts realized from eaeh <br />sale conducted in Cabarrus County by applicant, and the date(s) <br />thereof, tf such sale was within the preceding five years. <br /> (5) such other iuformulinn as Cabarrus County may prescribe. <br /> (6) Address of any permanent place of business in the State of <br />North Carolina, or, if there be no permanent place of business in the <br />State of North Carolina, a copy of a certificate of the Secretary of the <br />State of North Carolina evidencing the fact that the dealer has <br />ClUail/ied to do business in North Carolina and the name and address <br />of It8 agent for the service of precesa in the state. <br /> (c) Depuslts and Bond: Every applicant for a transient dealer's <br />License shall execute and file with tho Director of Finance a good and <br />sufficient bond in the sum of $5.000.00 or 10% of anticipated sales, <br />whichever is greater, with the surety thereon a surety company <br />authorized to do business in the State of North Carolina approved by <br />said Director of Finance, and shall be payable to Cabarr~ County to <br />tho exteot that any taxes or fines as determined by Cabarrus County <br />be due are not paid, and upon Judicial determination, to those <br />authorized to file suit thereunder, and shall be conditioned upon <br />faithful observance of all the conditions of this section, and the pay- <br />meat of city, county and state license, sales, use, income or occupa- <br />tionul license taxes due or to be withheld and paid by the licensee <br />hereunder, and shall aisc indemnify any purchaser at such sale who <br />suffers any loss by reason of defective merchandise or any <br />misrepresentation of said sale. Said bond shah also provide that <br />Cabarrus County and North Carolina may file suit in their own name <br />against the Liceuseo and/or the surety on said bond for any taxes, fees <br />or fines due from the licensee which are not paid within 30 days of the <br />termination of the sale and that any purchaser at ouch sale may <br />maintain an action against the licensee and/or said surety for claims <br />arising from such a sale. Said bond shall also provide that it shall con- <br />tinue tn effect for one year after the termination of the sale for which <br />it is made and until aH actions are concluded and the judgement or <br />Judgments, if any, have been paid and fully satlzfied, or the amount <br />of the bond exhausted by such payments. Tills bond shall bo in addi- <br />tinn to all deposits required under other ordinances of Cabarrus <br />County, including but not limited to the sales and uae tax ordinancus. <br />The above bend and certificate of qualification to do busmass in <br />North Carolina shall be public records open to elrnrninaUcn upon re- <br />quest and copies thereof shall be furnished on request upon payment <br />of a fee of ~.00 por page. <br /> (d) Reports of Sales: All transient dealers shall make a verified <br /> report of sales wit. bin seven days of the close of business. <br /> (e} No sales of goods, wares, or merchandisa shall be made on a <br /> Sunday by a transient dealer tiesused hereunder unless otherwise <br /> permitted by law. <br /> (f) A transient dealer ~ not advertise, represent, or hold forth a <br /> sale of goods, wares,rot merchandise as an insurance, bankrupt, in- <br /> solvent, assignee, trustee, estate, executor, admin~trator receiver, <br /> manufacturer's wholesale, cancelled order, or misfit sale or closing- <br /> out, or a sale of any goods dnrnaged by smoke, fire, or water other- <br /> wise, unless before so doing he shah state in writing under oath to <br /> <br /> <br />
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