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County Marmger or his designee o! C. ab~rrus County a~ ~he time he <br />makes applicalion for a license all the facts relating to the reason and <br />character of such special sales, so advertised, held forth~ or <br />represented, including a statement of the names of persons from <br />whom said goods, wares~ or merchandtse were purchased, and the <br />date of delivery of same to the person applying for license, the place <br />where said goods, wares, or merchandtse were taken last, ~nd such <br />details necessary to exactly locate and fully identify ali goods, wares, <br />or merchandise to be sold, and make such further disclosure to and <br />give such Information as may be required by Csbarrns County- And <br />such transient dealer shall atso ~nclude In said statement names and <br />residences of the owners In whose Interest the business is conducted <br />and whether conducted as an individual, firm, association, or cot- <br />poratinn. <br /> (g) It shah be unlawful for any transient dealer to sell or exhibit for <br />sale either at public or private sale any goods, wares, or merchandise <br />without first complying with the provisions of this Section 2, or to <br />make any false statements In reference to the matter required in <br />Subsections (b) and (e) above, or to fall or refuse to comply with the <br />requirements of any of the provisions of this Section 2. and every per- <br />son, whether principal or agent, who by circular, handbill, <br />newspaper, poster, or in any manner advertises such sales as herein <br />contemplated before proper license is issued to said transient dealer <br />and before he has complied with the provisions of this section, shall <br />be guilty of a violation of this section. Provided, however, that <br />nothing in this section contained shall ha construed as abridging or <br />denying the right and power of the Beard of Commtsslonera of Cabar- <br />ras County to refuse or withhold the granting of any license or to <br />revoke the same, if granted, to a transient dealer upon any hearing <br />therecf when in the discretion of said Beard on the basts of the <br />disclosures as aforesaid, or from other information deemed by them <br />sufficient, such action may be deemed necessary or proper to protect <br />or safeguard the public from impoaiUon, mischief or fraud." <br /> 2. Nothing herein contained shall be construed to relieve any person <br /> or other legal entity from any license fee liability, tax liability, In- <br /> terest penalty or forofeitare incurred ns of the ~ffective date. <br /> 3. The provisions of this ordinance are severable. If any section, <br /> subsection, paragraph, sentence, clause or phrase of this ordinance is <br /> declared Invalid by any court of competent Jurisdicllon, such <br /> declaration of Invalidity shall not affect the remainder of this <br /> dirmnce which shall continue in effect. <br /> 4. This ordinance shall become effective onJanunr~Y-1, <br /> <br /> <br />