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STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA <br /> DEPARTMENT OF State treASURER <br /> <br /> December 20. 1983 <br /> <br />M g M 0 R A ~ D U M <br /> <br /> TO: Local Governments <br /> Rep~rting Employees as Members of the <br /> Law Enfnrcement OfficersI Retirement System <br /> <br />FROM: E.T. Barnes <br /> <br /> SUBJECT: ~ax,?.Sh-elt~fifi'~6f;,MefiilS~SGofft~ibbti6ns:.tb'::the <br /> ,La w-.~.E n for cerne nt-~ O f hcer s .uRet~remen f~.System <br /> <br /> The Internal Revenue Service, United States Department of the Treasury, <br />has approved our application for determination of the Law Enforcement <br />Officers~ Retirement System as a trust qualified under Section 40t[al of the <br />Internal Revenue Cod~. This action causes certdn memberls contriDutions tO <br />this Retirement System t. be sheltered from current federal and State income <br />taxes effective January 1, 1984. These members are: all State-emph)ye(~ <br />memoers; tnd, those' members employed by focal governments who ::re <br />participating employers in the North Garolina Local Governmental Employees~ <br />Retirement System or who administer so,ne other employees~ trust ~ualified <br />under Sections 401(a). 403{a) .r 405(a) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 <br />as amended, md who h=~ve elected to tax shelter contributions for all then' <br />other emph~yees covered ts memoers ~f the North C.~rolifla Loc:il Oovernment~.l <br />Empl,~yees' Retire,nent System or other ouahfied emDl,>vees' trust. <br /> <br />Lineal Governmental Emph)yees~ Netlrealent System who his elected tax <br />sheltering of your employees~ cnntril~utiuns payaule to that System, <br />should now elect the s:une tax sheltering ,~I your employees~ c~}ntrtuuti;~ns <br />payable to the Law Enforcement Ufficers~ Retirement System. You must elect <br />tax sheltering in !*otb retirement systems to he in co~npliance with Revenue <br />Rulings 81-35 and 81-~6. If you do not not make the tax sheltering election <br />with regard to the Law Enforc'ement Officers~ Retirement System. your earlier <br />election with regard to the Local Governmental Employees~ Retirement System <br />will be void. The resolution for your governing hoard to adopt is herewith <br />attached, The effective date of the resolution should he January 1, 1984 <br />even though y~ur governing board adopts the resolution after that date. <br /> <br />This tax shelter is made possible because of legislation enacted by the <br />1983 Session of the GenerM Assembly in Senate Bill 293 which was ratified <br />as Ghapter .t68 of the 1983 Session Laws. This legislation restructured this <br />Retirement System to enhance .t favorable determination hy the internal <br />Revenue Service that the System is a qu;dified employees~ trust and made the <br />tax sheltering effective ,rely on the first day ut a month after t favorable <br />letter of determinati.n hv the Service is received md fried with the <br />Secretary of State .f N.rth Carolina. We received a law,rattle letter <br />determination on Dece,n~er 19, 1983 ~nd filed !t on the s:une d~y with the <br />Secretary ,~f State thus theull~anua~2~.,~.l:,q~¢[:t~.l~.4.?.~.feet:iO, ig. Attached for your <br />reference is ~ copy -f section~'-l'0"~[:{~l =fl''oi'' Chapter 468 which contain these <br />provisions ,>f law. <br /> (OVER) <br /> <br /> <br />