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G assr0 ..ts Arts Program e ea e Type, <br /> Submit in Duplicate <br /> APplicat,on Form <br /> <br /> 1. APplicant 6. Project(s)Summary <br /> <br /> A, NameofOrganizati0n C~b,arru.s Coontv pit~'kR Brief[)' summarize hoTM you propose to spend Grass~'oots funds. <br /> and Recreation Deparcmen: ' Descrlbe each ptojec~ in more detail on page three. <br /> MailinRAddress P,0. Box 707 The $ 895.00 in funds reque~t6d will be used <br /> City Concord County F;aharru~ to rent a facility in which to house tile <br /> Slam Ilorth Carolina Zip_code 28~)2£-0707 £abarrus Conmfinity Band. At present, the <br /> AreaCode, Telephone(704) 786-7411 county has no facilities that can adequately'- <br /> Conlact Person's Name ~]oe Ros~mnnd <br /> CpntactPerson'sTitle Special Program~ ~up~vi~or sui?ort sucl~ a program. <br /> <br /> B. Name and position ol Legal Agenl (Authorizing Official) <br /> 0ames Lentz-Chairman B~d Of £ty. £nmmi~io~ ms <br /> <br /> C. Organization to aot as Fiscat Agent if Applicant {A. above} is not <br /> a non-p~ofit, tax-exempt organization (Payee) <br /> <br /> Name of Organization <br /> <br /> Mailing Address <br /> City County <br /> State Zip Code <br /> A~ea Code, Telephone ( ) <br /> <br /> ContaCl Person's l~tle <br /> <br /> D. Name and position of ~egal Agent (Authorizing Offidal) <br /> <br /> 2. Application <br /> A. Date March ].3~ 1~)84 7. MaichingFunds <br /> If match is to be provided through [unds which are not being spe~! <br /> B. Che£kifLocalDistribulingAgen! on the same projec~ as Grassroots funds,ldentify the matching [u~d~- <br /> <br /> 3. Total AmOUnt Of Grassroot~ Funds Requested Source Use o~ Funds Amount <br /> <br /> 4. 'TotaI Cash Income of Applicant Organlza§on <br /> <br /> P~evious year $ -0- <br /> CurrenI year $ -0- Total Grassroots N4atching funds from olher projec'~s or organi- <br /> Projected next year $ ]. 7g0.00 zations <br /> <br /> 5, De~crlp§on of Applicant Organization 8. Attachments <br /> The Cabarrus Community Band is a proposed organ- <br />ization to serve the needs of amateur musicians Indicaleatlachmentsaccompanylngthi~application' <br />and music enthusiasts il~ Cabarrus County° A. IncomeandExpenseStatementfor n/a <br />Although the program is being initiated by the previousyear <br />,arks and Recreation Dept., it will be governed <br />and maintained by an elected Board of Directors. ~. OperallngBudgetsforCu~enI X <br />A part-time conductor will serve as the only paid andNextyear <br />employee. The band hopes to encourage community c. Leuersotveri[icationforMatchingFunds <br />participation in the arts through seasonal concert [romoutsideorganizallon(s) <br />and appearances at special events and other func- <br />tions upon request. Such appearances may include: D. IR'Sdelermlnafionleuer <br /> enclosed <br />pregrams for sent or ci ti zens, mental 1.Y and physi - on file with Coundl X <br />cally handicapped, and young Children, The band <br />will also ac{: in a support role for other local E. AddillonalProjec~De~cription/ none <br />perf0rhling organizations suci~ as the Cabarrus Fi~callntormationpages <br />Y0uLh Theatre as well as ot:,~ers. The band will be <br />ope~l to all local musicians and can hold up to 75 <br /> <br /> <br />