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bymndbetw~n the Water and Sewer District .~f Babarru~ ~ounty <br /> <br />~fer~edioms~eO~R, mnd ~ennin~son, Durh~ & Richardson, Inc. <br />here~after ref~rr~ ~o ~s ~e ~N~INE~R: <br /> <br /> TH~O~R~(endstoconstmc(m water distribution systems~elevated tanks~ booster <br /> pump stations, meters and appurtances~ for fi~e (5) separate p~ojects. <br /> <br />~ Cabarrus County, State of North Carolin~ <br />may be paid for in p~( wilh Kmanci~ assislance from (he Drilled Siales of Ameri~ acting Ihmu~h the Farme)s Home Admin- <br />istration of (he Drilled Slales ~parlmen~ of ~ricu)lure, hereinafter referred to ~s FmHA, pursu~m ~o (he ~nsolidaled <br />Farm and Rural ~velopmem Acl, (~ U.S.e. 19~) et seq.) and for which the ENGINeeR agrees (o perFo~ the various <br />professional engineering se~ices for the design and construclion of said system. <br /> <br /> WITN~SS~T) I: <br /> <br />~at for and ~ conslde~alion of ~e mutual ~venan(s and pigmies between ~h~ parties hereto, i( is hereby agreed: <br /> <br /> ~ECTION A - ENGINEERING <br /> <br />1. The ~NGINEER w~l conduct prel~a~ inve~ations, prep~e prel~in~y drawings, provide a prel~in~y itemized <br /> list of pmbable con~ruction costs effectiw ~s of the ~le of the prel~y r~po~, and submit a prel~in~y e~i- <br /> noering re~ following FmHA ~slmc(ions ~d guides. <br /> 2.The ~N~EER wfl) furnid~ l 0 copies of ~ prel~y en~n~e~ing re,on, and layout maps Io the O~ER. <br /> 3.The ENG~EER w~ mltend conf0rences with (he OWNER, representatives of FmHA, or other inle~ested p~ies as <br /> may be reasonably <br />4. Afler the pretimina~ eng~eer~ng ~epo~( has been reviewed and ~pp~oved by the O)~ER and by FmHA ~nd <br /> O~ER directs the ENGINEER 1o proceed, ~he ~FFG~EER wUl perfo~ (he neces~ desert su~eys, ac~mpli~ <br /> detailed design of the project, prepare cons(ruclion d~aw~gs, ~ecifimtions and con(tact documenls, and prepare <br /> final cost est~ate ba~d on the fi~ai design 6o~ the entke ~tem. 1( is al~ ~nder~tood that (6 s~bsu~face explorations <br /> (such ~s bo~ings, ~il lests, rock ~und~gs ~nd (he l~e) are ~equbed, lho ~NGINEER will furnish coordin~iion of ~id <br /> exploralions wiUmul addilional cM)ge, but ~e ~s(s incident (o such explorations ~l be paid fo~ by lhe O~ER as <br /> se( ou~ in Seclion D hereof. <br /> The contr~cl documenls furnished by the ENGINEER under Section A~ ~)a~ utfl~e FmHA~ndorsed cons~ruclion <br /> cont~acl documonls, including FmHA Supplemental General Conditions, Com~ac~ Change Orders, and p~r(ial pay- <br /> men( est~ates. All oflhese documenls ~)all be subject (o FmHA approval. Copies oFguide cont~acl documenls may be <br /> obtained 6~om FmHA. <br /> 6.Prior to the adver(i~menl For bids, the ENG~EER w~l p~ovide for each construciion co~(rac(, nol (o exceed l0 <br /> copies of delailed drawings, ~ecificaUons, and contract documenls For use by the O~ER, ~pprop~iate Feder~, <br /> and local agencies from whom approval of the projec( mus~ be oblained. The cost of such drawings, ~ecifi~tions, and <br /> coniracl documents ~aff be included in ~e basic compen~lion paid 1o (he ENGINEER. <br />7. The ~NOINEER will furnish additional copies of (he drawings, ~ecifi~tions and conlraa documents ~s requirM by <br /> pmsp~clive bidders, mater~al suppliers, and Giber interested pa~ties, bol may ch~ge lhen) fo~ lhe learnable cosl of <br /> such copies. U~n award o{ each contract, the ENGINEER ~1 furnish to the O~ER five ~ts of the d~awings, <br /> speciFicalions and conlr~a documents for execution. ~e ~s( oF(he~ ~ts s~U be ~cluded in lhe basic compen~lion <br /> paid Io the ENGINEER. Original documenls dot,eh(S, su~ey noies, tracings, and the l~e, exc~p) tho~ furnished <br /> to 1he ENGINEER by lhe O~ER, a~e and ~lall ~emain the property of lhe ENGINEER. <br />8. The drawiugs prepared by (he ENGINEER under (h~ provisions of Secl~on A~ above ~1 be in sufficient delai) <br /> permit the actu~ lo~ion of the pro~d ~p~owmenls on lhe ground. ~e ~NG1NEER ~ pr~p~e and furni~ to <br /> the O~ER wilhoul ~ny addition~ compen~tion, ~ree mpies of a map(s) ~owing the 8ene)~ local)on of needed <br /> construction ea~ments and ~manent easements and ~e ~nd to be a~ub~. P~o~mty su~eys, prop~rty plats, pro- <br /> ~y de~ripUons, absl~acU~ ~d n~ol~fions for la~ ff~(s ~1 be ac~mpli~ed by ~e O~R, <br /> O~R reque~s, and ~ ~NGINE~R a~e~s 1o pro,de ~o~ ~ces. In ~e event the ~NGIN~ER is r~uested ~o <br /> provide such ~l~s, (he ~NG~FFR ~l be mdditio~Uy mmpen~(ed as ~l Gui ~ ~cfion D hereo~. <br /> <br /> ~o~t~ 6 FmHA 1942.19 (Rev. IO-15~0) <br /> <br /> <br />