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I !. ~e ~EER W~ ~te~ret ~e ~tent o~the d~w~ iM ~t~ to ~tect ~e O~R ~a~st ~e~ects ud <br /> deflckncies ~ ~tru~16n O~ ~c ~t o~ ~e ~nt~ors. ~e ~G~EER w~ not, howler, g~raflt~ ~e <br /> fo~n~ by any ~ntractor. <br />12. ~e ENGINEER w~ e~abli~ for I~ting ~e wo~ together with a suitable number of ~nch ma~s adjacent <br /> to the wo~ as ~0wn in ~e contocl documents. <br />13. ~e ENGINEER w~ provide gene~ en~neering renew of ~e wo~ of ~e ~nt~ctors as construction progre~s to <br /> a~efla~ ~at the ~ntractor is conforming with the desi~ ~n~pt. <br />14. Un]ess nOtified by the O~ER ~ writing that the O~ER wOl provide for re,dent in~eciion, the ENGINEER <br /> provide resident construction ~ection. ~e ENG~EER'~ undeO~ing hereunder ~a]l no~ relieve the contractor of <br /> ~ntraclor's obligation to ~ffo~ ~e work ~ conformity with ~e drawin~ and speciflcations and in a workmaol~e <br /> ~nner; ~ not m~e the ENGINEER an ~sure~ of the conlraclor's ~rformance; and ~all not im~ u~n ~e <br /> ENGINEER any obligation to ~e thai ~e work is performed in a ~fe manner. <br />15. ~e ENG~EER will coo~rate and work clo~ly with FmHA repre~nlatives. <br />16. The ENG~EER will review the ~ntractor's applications for progress and final payment and,when approved, submit <br /> ~me to the OWNER for paymenL <br />17. The ENGINEER will prepare nece~ry contract change orders for approval of the OWNER, FmHA, and others on a <br /> t~ely basis. <br />18. ~e ENGINEER will m~e a final review prior to the issuance of ibc s~atemen~ of substantial complelion of all con- <br /> slr~ction and submil a written report to the OX~ER and FmltA. Prior to submitting the finfl pay estimale, Ibc ENGI- <br /> NEER flail submit a slatemem of completion to and oblain the written accepta~ce of the facility flora the O~ER <br /> and FmHA. <br />19. The ENGINEER will p~ovide the O~ER with one set of reproducible record (as~uflt) drawings, and two sets of <br /> ptiuts at no additional cosl to the O~ER, Such drawiugs will be based u~n construction records provided by lhe <br /> conlra~or during conslluction and reviewed by the resident inspector and from the reshlent inspector's construction <br /> data. <br />20. If Sta~e sIalutes ~equi~e nolices and advertisements of final payment, lhe ENGINEER shall assisl in thei~ p~eparalion. <br />21. The ENGINEER wi~ be available Io furnish engineering services and consultations neces~ry to cmrecl unforeseen <br /> project operation difficufiies for a period of one year after the date of s~temem of substanlial ~mpletion of Ihe <br /> faculty. This se~ice will include insItuclion of Ihe OWNER in initial project opera~ion and maintenance bul will not <br /> include supe~vlsim~ of normal operalioo of the system. Such cousuba~ion and advice shall be furnished wifl~,uI addl- <br /> lional charge except for travel and subsistence costs. The ENGINEER will assist the O~ER in performing a ~eview of <br /> the project durin~ Ihe 1 hh momh after Ihe date of the ceflificate of subs~anlia~ completion. <br />22. ~e FNGiNEER fur:her agrees lo obtain and mainlain, al the ENGINEER'S expense, such insurance as will ptolect <br /> Ibe ENGINEER f~m claims unde~ the Workman's Compensalion Act and such comprehensive general liability <br /> smance as will g rotect the OWNER and Ibc ENGINEER flora all claims fo~ b~ily inj~y, death,or properly damage <br /> which may arise from the performance by the ENGINEER o~ by the ENGINEER'S employees of ~he ENGINEER'S <br /> time,ions and sec'ices ~equired under this Agreement~ <br />23. ~e services called for in the ~ction A-I and A-2 of this Agreemem ~all be completed and Ihe re.ri snbmH~ed <br /> <br /> within ~lemlar days fiom the date of anthorizalion to proceed. After <br /> acceplance by Ihe OWNER and FmHA of the P~elhninary Engineering Re~t aud upon writlen au~bmi~Iion from <br /> O~ER. the ENGINEER will complete fin~ plans, specifications and conlract documenls and snbmit fm approval <br /> <br /> of Ihe OWNER, FmHA and all Sta~e ~egulalo~y agencies within <br /> calendar days from the date of amho~ization unless ofl~erwise ageed ~o by bolh parties. <br /> <br /> If the above is not accomplished within the lime period specified, this Ag~eemem may be ~erminated by the OWNER. <br /> The time Ibr complelion will be exIended by the O~ER for a reasonable t~e if complelion is delayed due ~o un- <br /> fore.cable ~u~s beyond the comrol and without the fault o~ ne~igence of the ENGINEER. <br /> <br /> <br />