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.... ' ~ }30.9.5 Cfi 13o. PUBLIC H£~.LTH § 130-9.5 <br /> <br /> '. ,- app~.'oval, m' no sooner than 45 days after the nursing home administrators' <br /> , :. 45-day oeriod far action has exuirc;d. <br /> -..- ,~ Dl~cers. The commitS;ge shal! elect from its members a chairman, to <br /> <br /> !£, Qualifications. Each member must be a resident of the connty which <br /> · ~ t~e comnm~ee serves. No person or immediate family member of a person with <br /> a financial inreres: in a home served by a committee, or employee or governing{ <br /> board member or immediate thmiiv m~mber el'an enmlovee or governing board <br /> member of a home served by a co-mmittee, or immehia[e family member of a <br /> .... pauent m a home served b{' a committee may be a member o}' a committee. <br /> ~ . Membershin on a committe~{ ~hall not be considered an office as defined in G.S. <br /> .z:~. !25-! or 12S-!.!. Any county commissioner who is appointed to tile committee <br /> '~i _;hall be deemed to'be ser{'mg on the committee in an ex officio capacity. <br /> ::~"i .Memb0rs of the committee ~hall serve without compensation, but r~ay be <br /> :~' reimbursed for the amount of actual expenses in~urred by them in theper- <br /> formance of their duties, The uame~ Of. the coi~/mitt~e lP~embei-s and the date <br /> of expiration 'or their teri:,ik slq~.ll"6~ filed:.iwithlt~'e D!x~ision o~r Aging,"\~hich <br /> shall supply a ~op~,~ to'the Dixtisjoh'bf F~(/i!lti~s' S~ff{,i~bs," ' <br /> !'~ (g) .The Division 6f'Agink,'Depai:t'h~ent 0f Huhafi' Res6urces, shall develoa <br /> i ~- rrainlng materials, which s'hall be 'distributed tO es'ch (!oitmlitt~e member and <br /> nursing home. Each committee member must receive training as specified by <br />/ ·. ' theec DivisionT of Aging~x . prior .Ia exert sing any. uawer., under subsection th) of th 's <br /> s tiaa, _ he D' 'islon of Aging, Department at Human Resources, shall provide <br /> the committees with information, guidelines, training, and consulta~.ion to <br />i'~ · direct them in the performance of t~mir duties. <br />': ' Ih) Duties. -- <br />,.t-.. (!) Each committee shall apprise itself of the general conditions under <br />~ :-. which the om'sons are residing in the homes, and shall work for the <br />~i--': best intere}ts of the persons ill the barnes. Thin ma:, include assisting <br /> parsons who have grievances with the home and f~.cilitating the res. <br />}~'..'-. :~- olution of grievances at the local level. <br /> (2) Each committee shah quarterly visit the nm-sing home ir serves. For <br /> each such official ouarterlv visit, a majority of the committee mem- <br />!'ii. bets shall be present. In'addition. each ({ommittee may visit the <br /> nursing }tome it serves whenever it deems it necessary to carry on% <br /> duties. In counties with font or rnore nursing homks, the <br /> subcanlmittee assigned to a home shall perfm'm the duties of the <br /> cc4nmittee under thi.~ *uhdix'ision. and a majority of the subcommittee <br /> men:bet's nms[ be >resent for any visit. <br /> ,'3~ Each member ora committee shall bare the right, between 10:90 A.M. <br /> and S:O0 P..M., to enter into the facility tbe committee serves in order <br /> to carry out tho n~embors' respmtsibilities. In a county where <br /> subcommittees have been established, a member shall have a righ. t <br /> emer only h.,mes served by subcommittees of which he is a momuer. <br /> !,i> The committee or subcommittee may, at any time it deems necessary, <br />~ conm,~unicate tb~.'oug't~ i;.s chairman with the Department of Human <br /> Resources or any other a~encv in relation to the interes;, of any <br /> aatient. The names of all c(]mplhinin~ pm'sons sball remain confiden- <br /> tis! unless written permission is eiven for disclosure. <br /> ,5~ Each home shall cooperate with t3te committee as it carries out its <br /> <br /> ,6' Before eoterinff ii,to any nursing home. tbe committee, subcommittee. <br /> or member sh~il identi(v itself to the person present ~t the facility who <br /> is in charge of the l~.cilitv at that time. <br /> :~ Nt:rsin~' Homes to Coooerat~. -- In order fat' a nm'sing home as defia~ <br /> by G.S. t30-~ie~ ;.o be !icense~l under that subsec~.iom the home shall cooperate <br /> with a community advisory committee. 11977. c. S97. s. 2: [977, 2nd Sees., c. <br /> 1192. s. i.) <br /> 4 2 8 <br /> <br /> <br />