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Authority's main purpose for existing is to make available in the <br /> County health facilities such as 'the Project; and <br /> <br /> WHEREAS, the transaction comtemp!ates and provides an arrange- <br /> ment whereby all the Authority's right, title and interest in and <br /> to the Project shall vest in the County'upon retirement of such <br /> bonds. <br /> <br /> NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the County Commissioners of <br />Cabarrus County, North Carolina, as ~ollows: <br /> <br /> SECTION 1. Cabarrus County Health Development Authority, Inc. <br />(th~ "Corporation" of the "Authority") hereby is authorized to issue <br />its First Mortgage Revenue Bonds (the "Bonds"), to b~ dated as of <br />a date to be hereafter selected by the Authority, not to exceed <br />the principal amount of $5,000,000 for a term not to exceed <br /> <br />(30) years, bearing interest at such rates as may be determined and <br />payable as to interest and principal on such dates and in substan- <br />tially the form and issued in the manner as provided in an Indenture <br />of Mortgage and Deed of Trust (the "Indenture~'), to be executed <br />between the Authority and a bank as Trustee, secured by a first <br />mortgage on the Project and a lease of the same and a pledge of <br />rentals and revenues to be derived from the leasing and operation <br />of the Project. <br /> <br /> SECTION 2. The proceeds of the Bonds shall be used to acquire <br />land and to construct and equip a 120 bed nursing home and the <br />costs of issuing such Bonds and related expenses. <br /> <br /> SECTION 30 The Authority shall not make any profit, by reason <br />of develo~ment~ ownership or operation of the Project or the leasing <br />thereo~ except to the extent of retiring the Bonds issued to linasec <br />the Project, nor shall any profit by made by reason of any other <br />business or venture in which the Authority may engage and no part <br />of the Authority's earnings, if any~ shall ever inure to the benefit <br />of any person, firm or corporation other than tho County; and tile <br />Authority's main purpose for existing is to make available to the <br />citizens and inhabitants of the County, and the surrounding area <br />health facilitieS such as the Project. <br /> <br /> <br />