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CADARRUS COUNTY ~OARD OF C~-~-IISS!O~,IERS <br /> FIRST AND SECOND QU~\RTERLY REPORT <br /> NORTH CAROLINA DIVISION OF FOREST RESOURCES <br /> JuLY THROUGH DECE~!BER 1982 <br /> <br /> FOREST MANAGEMENT <br /> <br />A total of 33 management requests have been received durlng this time, :vith 27 <br />of th. ose serviced. C~npleting these requests consists of examining the woodland <br />and recc~rmending forest ma~]agement practices. Other management work includes <br />harvesting timber~ timber marking, thinning pine plantations, timber stand im- <br />provel,nent, wildlife improvement, and site preparation for tree planting. An <br />approximate total of 1,032 acres are involved. <br /> <br />&ne hundred thirty-three acres of pulpwood t.lere marked for thinni~.g. Four acres <br />of sawtimber were designated for harvestiag. Ninety-five acres of pu!pwoocl were <br />thinned, yielding 593 cords, and bringing about $23,049 to lando,~ners and cutters. <br />Approximately 100 acres of sawtimber are being harvested. Total yield figures are <br />not available at this time. Also, about 385 cords of fire wood i~ave been cut, <br />brin=~ing about .$2,695 into the county. <br /> <br />Nine lando,~mers have applied for cost-sharing assistance for site preparation and <br />tree planting, with eight of those approved. Approximately 186 acres are involved. <br /> <br />FIRE WOOD <br /> <br />Several !ando~mers have been assisted in getting fire wood. Six areas in the county <br />are open for cutting. <br /> <br />INSECTS AND DISEASES <br /> <br />There have not been any ne:.~ spots of Southern Pine Eeetle infestation reported in <br />the cot~nty. ~mny inactive beetle spots are unmerchantable. <br /> <br />Gypsy l~,loth traps have been picked up and all traps were negative. <br /> <br />~:~'~.erous other requests have c~ne in concerning shade tree problems. These were <br />identified and control measures were rec~mended. <br /> <br />iNFORMATiON AND EDUCATION <br /> <br />All radio stations :.~ere contacted with spot announcements aimed at fire control. <br />These anr~ouncements feature cot~ntry singer Tom T. ~{all, speaking oa the disaster <br />"when a southern forest buras". <br /> <br />An article was placed in the Concord Tribune concerning the appointment of Elizabeth <br />M. Shrt~m as the County Forest Technician. <br /> <br /> <br />