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3. The Cabarrus Workshop. <br /> <br /> 4. Special education programs in the public schools. <br /> <br /> 5. Recreation programs through the Association for Retarded Citizens' <br /> Special Olympics and the Y.M.C.A. <br /> <br /> 6. Respite services. <br /> <br /> 7. A new five bed ICF-~ is scheduled to open this summer. <br /> <br />ISSUE 1 - The Need. <br /> <br />~ile Cabarrus County has made s significant start in developing a broad range of <br />services for its handicapped citizens, there is no doubt that there are many <br />individuals who have a desperage need for a residential service, I am sure that <br />each County Commissioner is familiar with the Cabarrus County family that has a <br />significant need for a residential placement for a handicapped family member. <br /> <br />There are also twenty-four Cabarrus County mentally retarded residents housed in <br />state facilities in Morganton and Goldsboro ~lo could be more appropriately served <br />mn the connty if sufficient resources were available. <br /> <br />There is no doubt that Cabarrus has the need for additional residential beds for <br />its mentally retarded citizens. <br /> <br />ISSUE 2 - The Proposed Size of the Howell Center. <br /> <br />As I expressed to the Board at its January meeting, I have difficulty with the <br />120 bed size of the proposed Howell facility. While a 120 bed facility is a <br />significant improvement over the 500 bed facility at Western Carolina Center, it <br />does mot begin co approach tile quality of life in the ten bed or five bed group <br />homes that we have already developed in Cabarrus County. <br /> <br />Does size make s difference? I believe ~hat both scientific studies and random <br />interviews with retarded cinizens leads one to the unmistakeable conclusion that <br />size does make s difference and that smaller is better. <br /> <br />However, the Howell facility has received its certificate of need from the HSA and <br />the beds are needed There is also little funding on the horizon for additional <br />small residential group homes similar to the ones we have already established in <br />Cabarrus County. <br /> <br />ISSUE 3 - Admission to the Howell Facility. <br /> <br />When tile Howell Center went through its certificate of need process with the }{SA, <br />it was based on the identified needs of the eight counties within the HSA (Gaston, <br />Lincoln, Rowan, Iredell, Cabarrus, Stanly, Union and Mecklenburg). It is critically <br />important to me that admissions to this facility come from' these eight counties. <br />~lso, the admissions should be based on some type of per capita formula. If this <br />were done, Cabarrus County would receive about ten of the' 120 beds. <br /> <br />_Suggestion_--The lease agreement between the Howell Center and the proposed private <br />nonprofit corporation created by the Cabarrus County Commissioners should contain <br /> <br /> I <br /> <br /> <br />